It knew, its life was becoming a life of fights and victories, lived one day of each time, delighting themselves with each unknown fact and conquered by itself, until one day it are presenteado with a new love, hearts are difficult to understand, but she is necessary to the times to run risks, always loses something, when fear is had to lose, but you must give much attention in the details, in the signals, you must always be of open eyes. big is rewarded, the Creator if it sensetized with its homesickness, its pain, and it gave a wife to it, who did not compare itself in nothing with its old one loved. Virtuous woman, will find who it? Somebody that always had a soul is more inclined to the opened suffering, it is more easily led by the circumstances, the river that has in itself yearns for discovery. Loved its does not have the same luck, as it passes many years without a soul, becomes dries, led for the rapidses of its decisions, finished leaving itself to imprison, is not never innocent, voluntarily it knew the malice, the badness, the anger, the cowardice and finally it was turned toward inside of itself, its life was without life, the emptiness never it are filled. Then in the desperation for loving, it loved, one, two, others and was unhappy, he had not been that one that its heart chooses. It was delivered in the arms of the stubbornness, needed to become free itself of the disillusion, the failures, would not give up to search. He looked for its old one loved, waited, but it did not appear, for everything has a reply, any question that can be conceived has for obligation a reply.
For to another it looked it time, of this time it appeared, but folloied for the brother, is necessary to be intent to the signals, as a weak person who was, gave up, only questions here or acol, to know as he was loved its, was necessary to continue the life without life. It forgot in the truth left that others thought that it forgets, could not make nothing, nothing would add to it if they knew of what goes to the soul, days after days, sun is born, sun if puts, the life goes taking its course natural. But badness always arises in the soul of that they had lived for as much time without soul, care with these people, is part of the group already before mentioned. Certain day, in some place, as much makes, Maria of Nazar and so Maria how much Maria of the Conceio, who if it matters? Discovers it. It is homesickness? Love? Envy? Anger? It would not know to need, I am mere accountant of estrias.
It was not satisfied itself in descobriz it, also wanted to be discovered, the peace of a family never must be stained, has rules and has consequences for they break that them. The desire is a curse. The things do not move, change we, already it said somebody callous thing, it arrives to be incredible everything already mentioned, but the pure truth is between the words, does not have exaggerates, therefore this degnerates the feelings, desvirtua the facts and disfigures the truth.