The Aspect
Ciliar Mata is distinguished for its wealth, genetic diversity and for its paper in the protection of the edficos hdricos resources, wild and aquatic fauna (RIBEIRO, 1998). With the objective to verify the influence of remainders of ciliar vegetation and the antrpica action in the quality of water DONADIO et al. (2005) they had studied four springs, being two with the presence of remaining natural vegetation and two with predominance of agricultural activities and had concluded that the presence of remainders of vegetation of ciliar bush assists in the protection of the hdricos resources. Perceiving the importance of the activities for recovery of degraded areas, the objective of this work is through the revision of literature, to stand out the importance of the preservation of the ciliares formations, as much in the ecological aspect, how much to the aspect directly related to the protection of the sources and too much water bodies, identifying the main models of water (RODRIGUES of ciliar bush. Considering the distinguishing adaptability of the identified species for each ambient condition in the ciliar band, that go to present particularitities in the different fitogeogrficas regions. (Al HISSES et., 1998).
Therefore the choice of the species represents ones of the main guarantees of success in the restoration, therefore during the sprouting and the evolution of a forest, the species demonstrate very specific ambient and biological requirements (RODRIGUES, 2000). In such a way, the forest succession, must be understood not as a simple substitution of species in the time, but yes as the sucessionais alternation of ecological groups or categories. The priorizao can be made in many distinct ways, producing a greater or minor refinement of results. KENTULA (1997) working in a context of microbasins, suggests the following steps to arrive it definition of priorities: characterization of the microbasin, identification of the questions key, documentation of current situation, description of considered conditions as references, object identification, the summary of the conditions and determination of the causes.