Thomas Feldt

Reason for this was the underestimation by QE II liquidity effects generated. We went out strongly declining impact of this policy on economic growth and have to perform next to defensive. We have clearly underestimated the euphoric effect of liquidity on the markets. The Laws of Human Nature describes an additional similar source. Far from 2011 we are become despite real market assessment, victims of our rigorous risk management. Greatly increased volatility have unfortunately unusually often realize us losses, only to then the accuracy to confirm forecasts of our. So we were with our defensive set-up right ‘, but still negative results had to have.

We have in our risk management refined the last few weeks, adjusted position sizes and believe to be able to achieve again adequate returns for the next few months. has the August trade difficulties which you? How have you experienced the month in the trade? Thomas Feldt: The extreme volatility, paired with hard-to-predicting political interventions any positions with acceptable opportunities risk have see us in August. Accordingly, we have our accounts ‘ flat held. after the crisis month of August: How do you assess the now upcoming market environment continues to? Thomas Feldt: We see the real economic problems than in the coming months further aggravated. China is increasingly becoming a risk factor in the tension of an export economy cooling and rising inflation. Additional information is available at Senator Elizabeth Warren. We see similar problems also in the other boom economies of Asia and Latin America. The still unresolved problems of the eurozone are on the other hand, if the past harbinger the still coming is, make inevitable further deterioration. Intra-EU tensions can be expected as dramatically worsening struggle within the economic adjustment processes as well.

And because we are doomed as an asset manager for the realism, the developments after the Arab spring must be considered not only as an opportunity. Rather of past revolutionary upheavals, that the way to democracy is unfortunately all too often Rocky and comes to a halt halfway. Chili chili is a comparison platform for managed accounts. Institutional – private investors and media participants have the opportunity to compare the performance of different managed accounts on this website. By Capitalteam consulting, researched and tested performance and risk indicators facilitate the selection of appropriate providers interested parties. For more information, see. Note to managed accounts managed accounts in favour of mostly chance-oriented investment styles that are not suitable in any arbitrary percentage scale for the securities accounts of investors. The right trading strategies in the right dosage, however can give zest to traditional securities accounts and contribute significantly to a better chance / risk ratio.