ADHD Genetic
(PM) Berlin, 12.10.2010 a recent study suggests that the disorder ADHD has genetic causes. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (short: ADHD) are affected in Germany about 500,000 children and adolescents, boys with three to four times more than girls. Often, these children are restless and impulsive, and suffer from attention and concentration difficulties. On the basis of their behaviour frequently problematic situations in the family and in schools. There are many misunderstandings in this disorder. Especially parents have to fight, that they just poorly educate the children or feed with too many sweets, and thus to promote unrest with prejudice. Now, a team of scientists of at Cardiff of University in Wales discovered that the cause of the so-called hyperactive syndrome is genetic. Children compared the genetic structure of 366 ADHD to the DNA of 1047 people who do not suffer from this disorder.
The researchers found that 15 Percent of affected children exhibit significant and rare changes in DNA, on the other hand, there were only seven percent in the healthy. In hyperactive children are therefore certain sections of DNA, the so-called gene copy number variations (CNV), either in duplicate or missing. Study leader Professor Anita Thapar told the press the study prove beyond reasonable doubt the influence of genes on the disease. As other researchers have been looking for the reasons for ADHD in education defects or environmental influences, would be required to realize according to opinions of Thapar, that the assumption is faulty. The scientists also showed that still much work ahead before the mental disorder could be fully understood. Also, Kate Langley, one of the authors of the study, acknowledged that the study of the genetic material on CNVs alone is not sufficient to determine whether a child or teenager was suffering from ADHD.
However, the study can help better to determine the causes of ADHD. Often takes a hasty Diagnosis of the disorder in young people instead. Not every strenuous teenager who conforms to no parental or educational, suffers from ADHD. Lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet can also lead to a conspicuous behaviour. A solution on the basis of sufficient rest, sport and balanced diet should be found here. Also dietary supplements such as BrainEffect also”indicating that can provide the brain with all the essential vitamins and nutrients, and so in addition to promote the concentration at school and at work.