
Due to reduction of the quality and life expectancy and the failure of treatments conservatives, as the dietoterapia, the mrbida obesidade is difficult of being treated only by means of diet and physical exercises and has led to the indication of surgical intervention, and thus to carry through the surgery of the obesidade or baritrica, for the fact of being treatment most efficient e, with effect, more lasting (WAITZBERG, 2006; IT HISSES; IT WALLS, 2007). The used techniques to carry through the baritrica surgery are the gastroplastia, adjustable gastric band, gastroplastia vertical line with bandage, bypass gastric in Y-of-Roux, biliopancretica derivation of Scopinaro and Duodenal Switch (HISS; IT WALLS, 2007). This article is organized in sections. The first section is this introduction, section 2 represents the objectives of the research. The methodology used in the accomplishment of the research is presented in section 3. The results are described in section 4. Finally, final consideraes are presented in section 5.

2.OBJETIVO Verificar the incidence of the obesidade for sex; To analyze practical of physical activity and its frequency; To analyze the incidence of patients who possess the upheaval of the periodic alimentary compulsion; To verify the degree of obesidade of the inserted individuals in the program. 3.METODOLOGIA This article is about a qualitative and quantitative research. The collection of data was carried through by means of interviews for half-structuralized questionnaire, therefore it allows a more complete and detailed description of the qualitative and quantitative aspects, thus is possible to verify the veracity of the answers (DAMASO, 2003). The gotten information had been recorded with a recording device of voice. 7 patients in the month of April of 2009 had been interviewed. As inclusion criterion, the patients had been selected who had interned one day before carrying through the baritrica surgery in the Hospital Evanglico Goiano, Anpolis-GO. The etria band was of 23 the 58 years.

Buccal Complex

It affirms that nor always the presence of one spots mechanical with devoid aspect in the buccal mucosa means that it is I snow, but yes, it can be I accumulate of substantiates generally metallic of silver caused for maneuvers during obdurate to the silver amalgam. Conclusion After the revision of you vary used bibliographical workmanships in this work, I have to elucidate the following one. In first place: the solar consumption of alcohol and tobacco, radiations and genetic predisposition are factors that condition in the appearance of daily pay-malignant injuries. its precocious treatment aid in the prevention of the cancer that tachometer the buccal socket. From there that it has a necessity incontestable of the general hematologists doctors, to know the characteristics clinical of these injuries, better to obtain to diagnosis and to make the due treatment of these injuries, in the initial phases. The use. abstinence to the alcohol and the tobacco, as well as the use of hats and the solar protectors also helps to prevent some serious injuries and its respective precursory cancers. .

Open Education

It fits to detach here the question of the pleasure and displeasure, therefore Freud also came across with the qualitative question of the sensations and ideas. Which would be the motivation of ours action? What it would make to prefer such or which thing or idea? Freud answers to these questions relating the classroom Omega of neurons to the displeasure, therefore this would be the factor that puts Phi and Psi in movement, stimulating the system to the fulfilment of its primary function, that is ' ' zerar' ' the stimulatons for the survival of the organism. Therefore for a system that desires the rest, any stimulaton is considered displeasure and must be ' ' escoado' '. Soon, we perceive that Omega transforms amount into quality through the intensity and regularity of the stimulatons, that in this case are conscientious. Freud becomes original when it approaches a philosophical question and it of the science characteristics and reorganizes the hierarchy of the passions, in the measure where it attributes importance to the displeasure, had here as all and any stimulaton, as the factor that the machine puts into motion human being, different of Hobbes and Condillac that attribute to the desire and to the pleasure this function. Perhaps check out Dr. Peter M. Wayne for more information.

Conclusion Leaving of the beginning of that all the human being it thinks and that the end biggest of the life is the happiness, we have then gnese of the thought based on the sensations as point of convergence between Hobbes, Condillac and Freud. However Hobbes and Condillac attribute the happiness to the necessity of pleasant sensations, in Hobbes the desire already put into motion the human being, in Condillac the pair pleasure/displeasure become the man capable to choose what happiness brings it. Both the philosophers will give base to the studies of Freud on the functioning of the mind and this goes to enxergar in this notion of passional life what it unbalances the nervous system, that stops being well necessary of rest. Freud then almost brings a conception of happiness that inexistent, therefore to live for it is a pack, since never we are free of stimulatons, lives in constant discomfort, only when exempting in them of the stimulatons we will be happy, that is, never will be happy while still alive, because as Freud the goal of the psychic device is the death, when will occur the end of all the stimulatons. In this perspective, we will find mitolgicas figures of Eros and Thanatos gifts in these philosophies constituting the paradox of the life human being and for which we can look salvation in ' ' espelho' ' , that it configures the matrix of cure of the psychoanalysis based on the old motto of the temple of Delfos ' ' Mesmo&#039 knows you it you; '. Bibliographical references BOCCA, F.V. Passions and psychoanalysis: modern dimensions of the nature human being.

Victory: UFES, Nucleus of Open Education and in the distance, 2010. CONDILLAC, E.B. 1993: Treated to the sensations. Campinas, Ed. Unicamp. FREUD, S. 1995/1885: Project of a psychology. Trad. Osmyr F.G. Jr. R.J: Imago. HOBBES, T. 1979: Leviathan. S.P., Cultural April. NICOLA, U. illustrated Anthology of philosophy: of the origins to the modern age. Trad. Maria Margherita de Luca. So Paulo: Globe, 2005,479 P.

Cancer Treatment

Therefore, the correct fulfilling of forms is so important, therefore they are who will go to help in the detention of the deficiencies of the treatment of the Cancer of Breast in the city of Porto Velho and other regions of Brazil. METHODOLOGY For the present article became fullfilled a exploratria research, explicativa as in such a way descriptive. Descriptive, therefore searched to analyze and to register the situation of the public health and factors that condition the desistance of the treatment of the breast cancer. Explicativa, therefore searched to clarify what it causes the deficiencies in the utility installment. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA the present research was carried through to investigate the situation of the treatment of Cancer of Breast in the city of Porto Velho /RO, better to understand the reality of this illness in the city, evidencing possible problems in the process and, of this form, improving the situation of the women in treatment. On the orientation of the necessary information to the patients on the prevention and the treatment of the Cancer of Breast: Graph 1? Quality of the orientation to the patients on prevention and treatment of the Cancer of Breast the research evidenced that: 6 (six) of the users consider good the orientation given on the prevention and the treatment of the Cancer of Breast, 2 (two) excellent and 1 (one) bad one. Follow others, such as Assurant Health, and add to your knowledge base. However, the majority that marked the good option if related to Is Peregrino and specified that in the Hospital of Base it has many problems. On already having been in wait list to initiate some treatment or examination related to the Cancer of Breast: Graph 2? Initiation in list of wait to the treatment or examination related to the Cancer of Breast Of the interviewed ones, 4 (picture) already had been in wait list to make some examination related to the treatment. .


' The true patience, associated always with the authentic hope, it characterizes the attitude of that know that, to carry through the impossible one, she is necessary to become it possible. the best form to become possible the impossible one is carrying through possible hoje.' ' (Pablo Freire) ESTENOSE TRAQUEAL the interest in carrying through a bibliographical survey on the considered subject is alicerado in the intention to detect and to prevent decurrent iatrogenias of the endotraqueal intubao, considering to be this a procedure frequent carried through in Units of Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Also the deficit in the quality of life of the patient was considered, when victim of this iatrogenia. 1.ANATOMIA AND PHYSIOLOGY OF the SUPERIOR AERIAL WAYS (VAIN) the superior aerial ways are responsible for the air transport of the environment until the pulmes and vice versa, as well as have for functions to filter, to preheat and to humidify inspired air. They are formed by: nasal socket, faringe, larynx, trachea and bronchis (Kawamoto, 2003). Of these structures, with bigger care, we will detail to follow the trachea, place where estenose occurs traqueal. In the description of trachea (Gartner and Hiatt, 1990), we consider it to be constituted, in structural terms, for three layers called mucous, submucosa and adventitious.

The mucosa is constituted by the respiratory epitlio, proper blade and elastic blade. The respiratory epitlio or of covering, of the pseudo-estratificado type to colunar ciliado, is constituted by six cellular types: cells colunares ciliadas, caliciformes cells, waxy cells, basal cells in brush, cells and cells to granulate. For Hoss, Reith and Romrell (1993), the ciliadas cells colunares are distributed by all the ways of conduction of the respiratory treatment and that they put into motion muco for ciliar action. The mucous secretion production is function of the caliciformes cells; such secretion if adds to the glands located in submucosa layer.

PAD Agency-target

It does not exist the necessity of if using medications for fast control of the Par, being enough the symptomatic medication use to introduce antihypertensives of chronic use. It would be cautious to hold back the patient for some hours and to reintroduce the anti-hipertensiva medication, will have necessity, before directing it for ambulatorial attendance. Until recently, malignant hipertenso was employed to assign hipertenso in the presence of edema of papila to the deep one of eye, retinopatia degree IV in the classification of KeithWagener-Barker or simply KW-IV. Sped up Hipertenso meant a malignant less serious gradation of, with the deep one of eye with hemorrhages and exsudatos or KW-III. Currently both must be considered as synonymous, therefore the difference in the fundoscopia does not represent clinical forms and diverse prognostics. Definitions hipertensiva Crisis if relate to the generic term where fast and symptomatic rise of the Par occurs, invariably with levels of diastlica pressure (the 120 PAD) superior mmHg, with potential risk of deterioration of agency-target or immediate life or in potential.

If it will have remote risk of deterioration of agency-target or life in potential the denomination is of hipertensiva urgency. The reduction of the Par can be made of slower form in up to 24 hours and generally the employed medication can imply formularizations for saw verbal. Hipertensiva emergency is used to define that carrying patient of high pressricos levels, with imminent risk of life or deterioration of agency-target, where the measures used for combat to the high levels must be immediate, in minutes or few hours, needing the use of drugs of fast action and for the parenteral way. Epidemiologia the hipertenso incidence has diminished since 1940, when she was not considered an illness of bigger clinical consequences. &#039 was seen for many as one; ' element essencial' ' to force the blood through the esclerticas arteries until the privacy of diverse fabrics and agencies.


Respiratory picture – repeated apneas, esternais and subcostais bradipnia, taquipnia, retractions, beating of nasal wings, cianose, increase of the necessity of oxygen and the parameters of the respirator. Neurological picture – hipotonia, convulsions. Mannering picture – irritability, lethargy. Gastrointestinal picture – abdominal distenso, vomits, gastric residue, refusal of suction, jaundice without definite cause and with predominance of the conjugated fraction. Cardiovascular picture – cutaneous pallor, cold and sudoreica skin, hipotenso, bigger hair filling time of what 2 seconds. Signals of bleed – similar picture to the one of coagulation to intravascular spread.

Subjective evaluation? ‘ ‘ RN seems that he is not bem’ ‘ , although to be a subjective evaluation, diverse authors classify this item as one of most excellent for the clinical diagnosis of sepse. These signals can also vary of light the intense ones, depending on the duration of the infection, the virulence and the accidental agent and garu of maturity of the mechanism of defense of the host. In the neonatal period, these manifestations can be inconvenient, therefore the signals if coat with great inespecificidade and can be induced for not infectious insults, what it makes it difficult the discovery and precocious treatment of the infection in the RN, therefore some illnesses can be manisfestar with these symptoms. Therefore if it makes necessary the clinical and comparative inquiry of the signals, as well as of the risk factors that unchain a possible infection so that this can in time recognized and be treated, before taking the neonato the death. Factors of risk for sepse neonatal In the life intrauterine and during the birth, the embryo and the RN gifts in the maternal treatment can be colonized by microorganisms genital that can colonize the passage of the childbirth canal, or by the transplacentria way (hematognica).

For Kumar

The brain receives 15% from the cardiac debit in rest and answers for 20% of the total of the corporal consumption of oxygen even so answers for apenas1 a2% of the corporal weight. The sanguineous flow in the brain is normally about 50ml per minute for each 100g of fabric, having regional variations between substances white and cinereous and between different parts of it substantiates gray, this sanguineous flow if it keeps constant in an ample gamma of sanguineous pressures and intracraniana pressure, due to auto-regulation of the vascular resistance. For Kumar; Abbas and Fausto (2205, p.1425) brain is classified as ‘ ‘ …

one weaveeed highly aerbico, with oxygen instead of metabolic substratum serving as substance limitante’ ‘. One knows that the oxygen, substantiates essential for the functioning of the cells that composes the brain, for times can arrive at the fabric cerebral in inefficacious way or even though not to arrive at fabric for any one of some mechanisms: … hipxia functionary in a scene of low partial pressure of oxygen (pO2), comprometimento of the capacity of carry of oxygen for the blood, or inhibition of the use of oxygen for the fabric; or isquemia, transitory or permanent, after the interruption of the normal circulatrio flow.