
For your way he will find friendships pure, but that human beings will be able to degnerate themselves ahead with the time of your precariousnesses, there you will remain alone. For your way he will know gotten passionate people, but that they will go to stop in the first show window with bigger brightness and bigger beauty, despite the price if to pay to enter in the store is more expensive. For your way you will cross with company ideal and perfect, but when the life to charge devotion, abdication and it will have that to open hand of something for the dream that together will construct, there will see as the love without attitude is susceptible and weak, leaving you to the edge of the life and one more time alone. Discord, indifference, fear It is the uncertainty of personal projects that can yes and must be shared. For your way it does not want to make of this allotment a conquest, not! The conquest is a sand castle that if more easy preparation of manioc meal of what you imagine. It makes of this, then, a project for the conquests, therefore a good project can support your dreams and ideals with bases solids. It wants to grow to the side of somebody, it wants that this somebody grows as person when being close to you, or when passing for your life. It does not leave that pass for your life without she has taken some mark of your character.

With firm intentions and of values. The growth for the growth kills! Therefore this is the beginning of the cancergenas cells that they provoke the cancer when they spread cancerous cells that they suffer from cancer. He is not frivolous and it does not make of the growth straightforward a reason to want this. What it is a lie, if counted some times, ‘ will finish if becoming one; ‘ verdade’ ‘. the problem is if you yourselves to believe this false truth. Therefore enaltea your projects of life and stops to depreciate yours ‘ ‘ quereres’ ‘ (after all, if it wants as much thing in the life, is not same). It follows your way. Despite your heart beats calmer without as much euphoria, and from there? Great euforias take the disillusionments and frustrations of equal or bigger ratios.

Either fort, tranquilo and night watchman! Your way is of resignation and great love of its part. If the disrespect, the rejection, the indifference and the preconception make of your intentions ‘ ‘ attitudes without valor’ ‘ for the others, if auto-it does not exclude from the world. It goes ahead, it follows in front, it fights for your ideal of life and in case somebody to dare and will have courage to go with you, simply, looks at inside of the eyes, extends the hands and leaves the love to illuminate this way. Under the light of the love your way could only be covered, without the ice of the fear and the indifference and without the bitter taste of the incompreenso.


I am of all sincere when I declare my common agreement well to it 2 with each word yours my respect. Yes, I am only one common man 3. In the chest, 25 years of homesickness; in the memory, an idea that conserves me living creature. An uncommon fear of the one for coming that still now awakes me that usual desire not to exist 4. In this you have much reason: However, all we have homesicknesses; a life plan; a fear that in properly says to them human the least in this seems me the men to be distinguished from the rocks. At last, I am always in agreement your thought, at any moment unequivocal on my hypothetical figure 5. However, what to make when of the agreement fact does not result? Perhaps for the moment, let us leave to that one that speaks to you.

Let us think the person yours. Mother of two; she inherited of the life the orphanage of which the world never knew to exempt us also I will not be exempt of the evil that the life prepared for itself 6. She pardons that me for this unjustified shunting line saw ece of fish in tomb the art that still serves it of model and support, a someone to who calls Russian Renato. I ask to it therefore: Perhaps she is your person it dispatches by post in a world or it has a world rank in your person? 7 not very Seems to have me difference enters a case and another one, except that hypothetical one, which we use to grant the miracle to us of a space and a time; we give history to our ghost; usually we say: ‘ ‘ here I am eu’ ‘ 8. It cheers to you of not being philosopher. in a similar way that in itself such joy is made use, smiles the death of yours: good homesickness this when it seems us enough real. To speak of the father, to remember the mother.

In the agony of the lack, to use of the children for the urgent consolation of the soul. It does not have doubt, as that if it also makes for itself is died. To die? To my spirit the satisfaction to exist is a luxury that never me is delivers. If the woman died who served to it of mother, will die my conjectura; Was stolen it saudosa presence of the father? The assumption of mine if was. But if it waits you the fear of the life, it hugs your children your secret of peace.