What it was of the lizard, ate it to the grasshopper, and what it was of the grasshopper, it ate locusta it, and what it was of locusta, it ate it to the pulgo. Joel 1:4 This Biblical ticket shows to the caused difficulties and symptoms which we need repenting in them of our sins. Which had been the effect felt for that people? – hunger assolao (ruin, prosperity lack) – cut lamentation the food entristecimento- complete dry destruction/without water (water is life, dries is death)- rivers also dry ashamed moaning nothing that put the hands, it avenged (it gave all wrong one)- they had withered, they discouraged of time the joy if it also dried the food lack distressed everything what they had finished fast destrua everything what still they had were confused were being, literally, consumidosAs economic sources and of life had dried and they did not relieve nothing of beneficial absolutely, effect of the attacks of the lizard, the grasshopper, locusta, the pulgo demonic and annihilating figures of the cutter, migrador, devorador and annihilator. now? What to make? How they had reverted this calamitous picture? Still thus, right now says you: You convert you it all me of your heart; this with jejuns, and I cry, and pranto. Joel 2:12 and you tear your heart, and not them your vestments, and convert you it you your Gods; because it is merciful, and compassionate, and delayed in irar itself, and great in benignancy, and if he repents of the evil. Joel 2:13 Becoming themselves it Gods, of the mouth for are not only, but tearing the heart and clamando It for answers. Chorem the priests, ministers Mr., between alpendre and the altar, and say: Your people saves, SIR, and you do not deliver your inheritance to the oprbrio, so that heathen the o dominates; because they would say between the peoples: Where he is its God? Joel 2:17 the shame is so great, felt shame of the nations and all the ones that were around still asked in high and good sound: where he is its God? LIZARD = first phase of the insects, larvGAFANHOTO = harmful insect to the farming, it goes migrando, of farming in lavourLOCUSTA = common grasshopper, that migra, is born in Africa and europPULGO = small insect, of soft body, without wing, that sucks the seiva of the plants.