Urban Poverty

Urban poverty in Mexico, and one could say that in any country, defines a separate company with its own forms of socialization and relationships, with proper operation. This perfectly describes what Michael Janoschka speaking of the economic restructuring related to the process of globalization. This leads to insecurity in a sector which in turn causes a change in the spatial context: we have a confinement of the lower class that is expressed through physical and behavioral barriers; latter reflects the growing trend in major cities a eliminate unwanted aspectosa . Those belonging to the class of urban poverty, they see their way of being and way of organizing determined by the context and the conditions under which they operate slab, the characteristics that these same factors were awarded, and all that to which are tied because of the prevailing system in society. According to UN figures, the world's 1 billion people are living in misery, there is no better term to encompass the precariousness of their homes and lack of essential services. In our country there are now 18.5 million people in extreme poverty (La Jornada, 2009), and according to the INEGI most concentrated in the states of Chiapas, Guerrero and Oaxaca. The indicators for which this institution is worth, and therefore its low rate characteristic of this stratum of the population, are those relating to essential public services, piped water, electricity, drainage, land different floor, walls roof and durable materials, dwellings without overcrowding, service toilet; the equipment housing, housing that include a refrigerator, television, telephone, car, health, people with access to health services, to education, over 15 years literate, children attending school, adolescents who attend school, over 15 years with post-primary education, to employment, working women, population economically active, employed population that receives more than two minimum salaries, those employed in the formal tertiary sector, professionals or technicians. .

Other Uses For Disinfectants

Disinfectant is applied in various fields. For private home, in hospitals and doctors to disinfect all types of surfaces. Moreover, disinfectant in medical buildings to clean the instruments is required. The third application is specially designed for the disinfection of hands. With great care must be responsible to ensure that they work thoroughly with the disinfectant. Only then can infect different species of fungi and bacteria are avoided. Differences will be disinfected and sterilized between.

The newborns in the hospital may be from the entire family and friends certainly taken on the arm. However, to avoid an infection that doctors recommend for the disinfection of hands. In every room of the maternity ward, a donor is with liquid disinfectant. Bacteria that everyone has on their hands are thus destroyed. This serves to protect the baby, because it is still too young to have defenses. Before surgery, the patient is also with Disinfectant cleaning.

A special production process ensures that the product is suitable not only for skin disinfection, but also for the mucous membranes. Medical instruments are dipped in a sterilizing bath. The person responsible for this task needs to act very conscientious. If he is not sure whether he has already dipped a tool, he must repeat this process. With germs occupied instruments fatal consequences for the next patient may have. In the household should contrast with the sparing of surface disinfection. A healthy body can cope with the normal bacteria that are found there, generally. For reasons of hygiene in the bathroom cleaning, a disinfectant used at irregular intervals. In completely sterile flats built the body from the effect, however. If the person then in contact with bacteria outside the flat, he responds immediately. The natural defense compounds are lost!

Genetics And Wellbeing

The vision of the society with regard to animal well-being is moving, and this has occurred, mainly, due to fast urbanization during the last half century, that, combined with the increase of the purchasing power, demand specific actions with regard to the environment and to the conditions of the criatrios of the animals lodged for consumption; amongst these, animal well-being is distinguished. Still she is universally accepted as measured of animal well-being, according to DAWKINS (2003), its physical health. With the Brazilian production of chicken meat, in 2006, it reached about nine million tons, with the growth of 4,1% above of the 2005 production and still, beyond putting into motion an annual prescription of about 30 million dollar, the chain of production of cut chickens creates five million fixed jobs approximately and represents around 6% of the foreign commerce Brazilian, with a total of exportation of the order of three million tons, including products in natura, industrialized and cuts Amongst the destinations of the Brazilian meat of chicken, meet countries of the European Union (14%) and Japan (18%), that they possess restricted legislation of conditions of lodging with regard to well-being of the birds (OWADA, et al 2007). However, what still it is considered controversial is if this measure would only be enough, since indicating physiological of well-being they can, eventually, to be a natural reply the activities or natural excitaes of the animal, instead of indicating, specifically, its well-being. Recent literature on the questions of well-being in the production of birds indicates that the subjects related to the thermal and aerial ambincia, as well as amount and intensity of light of the sheds, are boarded in the research separately, being, however, more influential in the reply of the birds when the extremities occur simultaneously.

Genetic Disorders

Which recognize life theme and the tree will not pursue you a hereditary disease has always a particular mental spiritual aspect, within “passed on by generations” and that each family member must be viewed. Behind it stands no higher power and no overriding fate, what you must suffer. When a soul chooses a life, she also decides on the framework and the objective. We a disease highlight once, such as breast cancer. If breast cancer always acts in the following generations, it goes for all is the life issues to deal with “Culture and Ernahrtwerden”. The most diverse contexts will have lived here so long from all sides, for all family members to recognize the relations on this issue, and internalized the solutions. The breast cancer that this comes into play, is the red thread on the physical level. On the psycho-spiritual level, it involves the gaining of awareness of independence.

All variants of Being subject to dependent on making can emerge and now. The woman who gets breast cancer, is of course directly affected and must clarify this topic personally for himself. For them, the questions arise where I’m maybe a parent mother who is sacrificing for all, or where am I not agree with my role as a woman and giving? I think simple now deliberately this, to show basic information. I want only the veil something. Of course hang here many individual, but also family collective through social networks with it.

The whole environment has also the chance to learn without having to get equal cancer penetrate the subject through an examination of the topic. Who has managed this and gained consciousness to be independent by a private trust and therefore in principle of life to feel supplied has reached his goal in this life. Breast cancer will have no meaning in principle more for these people. Of course one can great fear of cancer will also become the trigger, but a strong sense of basic trust will prevent this. Occurred a hereditary disease, always the deeper relationship should in addition to therapy, in which the person concerned has real confidence, be recognized and then implemented in life. This increases the chance for a cure to a considerable degree. roach. Get support! To do this, also in addition read the article “There are incurable diseases?” Ralph-Dietmar Stief, holistic therapist

ADHD Genetic

(PM) Berlin, 12.10.2010 a recent study suggests that the disorder ADHD has genetic causes. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (short: ADHD) are affected in Germany about 500,000 children and adolescents, boys with three to four times more than girls. Often, these children are restless and impulsive, and suffer from attention and concentration difficulties. On the basis of their behaviour frequently problematic situations in the family and in schools. There are many misunderstandings in this disorder. Especially parents have to fight, that they just poorly educate the children or feed with too many sweets, and thus to promote unrest with prejudice. Now, a team of scientists of at Cardiff of University in Wales discovered that the cause of the so-called hyperactive syndrome is genetic. Children compared the genetic structure of 366 ADHD to the DNA of 1047 people who do not suffer from this disorder.

The researchers found that 15 Percent of affected children exhibit significant and rare changes in DNA, on the other hand, there were only seven percent in the healthy. In hyperactive children are therefore certain sections of DNA, the so-called gene copy number variations (CNV), either in duplicate or missing. Study leader Professor Anita Thapar told the press the study prove beyond reasonable doubt the influence of genes on the disease. As other researchers have been looking for the reasons for ADHD in education defects or environmental influences, would be required to realize according to opinions of Thapar, that the assumption is faulty. The scientists also showed that still much work ahead before the mental disorder could be fully understood. Also, Kate Langley, one of the authors of the study, acknowledged that the study of the genetic material on CNVs alone is not sufficient to determine whether a child or teenager was suffering from ADHD.

However, the study can help better to determine the causes of ADHD. Often takes a hasty Diagnosis of the disorder in young people instead. Not every strenuous teenager who conforms to no parental or educational, suffers from ADHD. Lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet can also lead to a conspicuous behaviour. A solution on the basis of sufficient rest, sport and balanced diet should be found here. Also dietary supplements such as BrainEffect also”indicating that can provide the brain with all the essential vitamins and nutrients, and so in addition to promote the concentration at school and at work.

Stefan Morsch Foundation

Annual balance sheet of the oldest donor file: nearly 600 Stammzellspenden 2013 the cooperation with educational institutions should be developed at the first German donor file a record number of potential lifesavers were registered in the past year: almost 23 000 people have can be 2012 by the staff of the Stefan Morsch Foundation type. This means that they have agreed to do so, to give a chance to cure a person suffering from leukemia with a registry in the event of an emergency. At the same time, also a new record for the number of people was achieved, indeed for their genetic twins”could donate. Almost 600 donors were lifesavers. The Stefan Morsch Foundation based in Birkenfeld (Rhineland-Palatinate) is the oldest Stammzellspenderdatei in Germany. Under the motto “Hope help heal” the Foundation provides for more than 25 years help leukemia and tumor patients. The main objective of the Foundation is to promote, as unrelated to register people. Therefore, teams are the almost daily “Foundation in whole Germany, to so-called typing actions” to inform about the theme registry.

270 Typing actions have been organized so nationwide. “Emil Morsch, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation: we are human beings at the Centre, need the help.” Nearly 11 000 people each year fall ill with leukemia. Often, a stem cell transplant is her only chance to escape the blood cancer. Unfortunately, many people don’t know that every healthy man aged 18 with a stem cell transplant can save lives. You can register with the consent of the parents aged 16 and over. Therefore we will set our focus on the education of young people this year”, said Foundation founder. In the past few years we have cooperated very well with the German armed forces”, the 69-year-old reported. Greatly increased the percentage of soldiers in the file: not only that the number of typed soldiers within the donor file and the share of the marrow grows, is today 30 Percent.


For your way he will find friendships pure, but that human beings will be able to degnerate themselves ahead with the time of your precariousnesses, there you will remain alone. For your way he will know gotten passionate people, but that they will go to stop in the first show window with bigger brightness and bigger beauty, despite the price if to pay to enter in the store is more expensive. For your way you will cross with company ideal and perfect, but when the life to charge devotion, abdication and it will have that to open hand of something for the dream that together will construct, there will see as the love without attitude is susceptible and weak, leaving you to the edge of the life and one more time alone. Discord, indifference, fear It is the uncertainty of personal projects that can yes and must be shared. For your way it does not want to make of this allotment a conquest, not! The conquest is a sand castle that if more easy preparation of manioc meal of what you imagine. It makes of this, then, a project for the conquests, therefore a good project can support your dreams and ideals with bases solids. It wants to grow to the side of somebody, it wants that this somebody grows as person when being close to you, or when passing for your life. It does not leave that pass for your life without she has taken some mark of your character.

With firm intentions and of values. The growth for the growth kills! Therefore this is the beginning of the cancergenas cells that they provoke the cancer when they spread cancerous cells that they suffer from cancer. He is not frivolous and it does not make of the growth straightforward a reason to want this. What it is a lie, if counted some times, ‘ will finish if becoming one; ‘ verdade’ ‘. the problem is if you yourselves to believe this false truth. Therefore enaltea your projects of life and stops to depreciate yours ‘ ‘ quereres’ ‘ (after all, if it wants as much thing in the life, is not same). It follows your way. Despite your heart beats calmer without as much euphoria, and from there? Great euforias take the disillusionments and frustrations of equal or bigger ratios.

Either fort, tranquilo and night watchman! Your way is of resignation and great love of its part. If the disrespect, the rejection, the indifference and the preconception make of your intentions ‘ ‘ attitudes without valor’ ‘ for the others, if auto-it does not exclude from the world. It goes ahead, it follows in front, it fights for your ideal of life and in case somebody to dare and will have courage to go with you, simply, looks at inside of the eyes, extends the hands and leaves the love to illuminate this way. Under the light of the love your way could only be covered, without the ice of the fear and the indifference and without the bitter taste of the incompreenso.


' The true patience, associated always with the authentic hope, it characterizes the attitude of that know that, to carry through the impossible one, she is necessary to become it possible. the best form to become possible the impossible one is carrying through possible hoje.' ' (Pablo Freire) ESTENOSE TRAQUEAL the interest in carrying through a bibliographical survey on the considered subject is alicerado in the intention to detect and to prevent decurrent iatrogenias of the endotraqueal intubao, considering to be this a procedure frequent carried through in Units of Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Also the deficit in the quality of life of the patient was considered, when victim of this iatrogenia. 1.ANATOMIA AND PHYSIOLOGY OF the SUPERIOR AERIAL WAYS (VAIN) the superior aerial ways are responsible for the air transport of the environment until the pulmes and vice versa, as well as have for functions to filter, to preheat and to humidify inspired air. They are formed by: nasal socket, faringe, larynx, trachea and bronchis (Kawamoto, 2003). Of these structures, with bigger care, we will detail to follow the trachea, place where estenose occurs traqueal. In the description of trachea (Gartner and Hiatt, 1990), we consider it to be constituted, in structural terms, for three layers called mucous, submucosa and adventitious.

The mucosa is constituted by the respiratory epitlio, proper blade and elastic blade. The respiratory epitlio or of covering, of the pseudo-estratificado type to colunar ciliado, is constituted by six cellular types: cells colunares ciliadas, caliciformes cells, waxy cells, basal cells in brush, cells and cells to granulate. For Hoss, Reith and Romrell (1993), the ciliadas cells colunares are distributed by all the ways of conduction of the respiratory treatment and that they put into motion muco for ciliar action. The mucous secretion production is function of the caliciformes cells; such secretion if adds to the glands located in submucosa layer.

Tiger States Compared

Tiger countries B2C E-Commerce report 2013 the “Tiger countries B2C E-Commerce report 2013 ‘ yStats.com demonstrates both the similarities and the differences of the Internet and E-commerce markets of the four Asian Tigers. So especially mobile online trading achieved high growth rates in South Korea and Hong Kong, while the General online trading in Singapore continue to medium to high double-digit percentage increases. Only Taiwan is less strongly developed in B2C E-Commerce, and also here an online trade growth in the low double-digit percentage range is predicted. Smartphones for the first time more frequently than notebooks for online purchases in South Korea used after double-digit growth within the last years, the B2C E-commerce sales reach a value of more than EUR 10 billion.In addition, for the first time more purchases online via smartphones as notebooks made are in South Korea. In addition to mobile commerce, also social commerce represented a growing trend in the South Korean online trading. In the second quarter was generally 2012 much money on travel arrangements and reservations as well as clothing and fashion products on the Internet. Leading companies and websites in South Korean B2C E-commerce in relation to the number of unique visitors in 2012 were generalists 11st, Shopping.Naver, Interpark, Gmarket and Cjmall in all. M-Commerce and group shopping accounted more than half of all Internet users in Hong Kong online purchases, for important trends in Hong Kong’s B2C E-commerce in 2012 where women often shopped on the Internet than men.

Between 2011 and 2015 a significantly higher increase in the M-Commerce is compared in Hong Kong sales, sales with General B2C E-Commerce expected. The average mobile spending per online buyers in Hong Kong reached nearly EUR 600, an increase of more than 40 percent compared with the previous year mid-2012. In addition to M-Commerce Group shopping represents a major trend in the online trade in Hong Kong.

Security Label

The German printing industry innovation award Nottuln, 17 October 2013. At the ceremony the PrintStars 2013 was the 3S Simons security systems GmbH with an award in bronze in the category packaging and labels”awards. The OTF safety label, which has developed 3 S for the protection of safety-related devices as well as high-quality packaged quality products and food was appreciated. Thus online terminals for cashless payments, quality watches, jewelry, perfume and electronics devices from unauthorized access or tampering can be among others. The initial opening protection is based on the secure-ID technology and cannot be removed without leaving any residue. Differently as a for a void foil adhesive avoided, which can lead to contamination. The OTF safety label be used among others at Fressnapf Tiernahrungs GmbH. Thus, the market leader for pet supplies ensures the on-line terminals for cashless payments in its German stores.

Also in the previous year were Counterfeiting experts from Westphalia at the PrintStars competition successfully: the security labels that produced 3 S for the test manufacturers Ingun, also received an award in bronze. In addition, 3s for the print and media was Awards 2013 in the category of most innovative company of the year ‘ nomination. “The complete protection of safety-related equipment and quality products plays for manufacturers, retailers and consumers” an increasingly important role, explains Rolf Simons, Managing Director of 3s Simons security systems GmbH. the PrintStars award underlines our, to develop innovative and high-quality products for the initial opening protection and counterfeiting. ” The innovation award of the German printing industry who were organizers of the PrintStars this year get PrintStars 432 product submissions in 15 categories and nine special prizes, again more than in the previous year.

Over 900 print, printers, agencies, photo studios, publishers, steps in front of operations and Processing companies took part in the competition. The award also from the high, vocational and technical schools recorded strong submissions. The award ceremony was on 16 October 2013 in the framework of PrintNight “in the culture – und Kongresszentrum Liederhalle in Stuttgart, Germany. The PrintStars competition is organized every year and awarded the best print products. 3S Simons security systems GmbH the 3S Simons security systems GmbH is internationally renowned manufacturer of marking systems for the legally-compliant IP protection. On the basis of the world’s smallest micro colour codes SECUTAG has the company various industry solutions developed for comprehensive fraud protection. With these products of all industries, spare and accessories, tools, medicines, cosmetics, textiles, sports and lifestyle articles, artworks, primary and secondary packaging, label, Cap brands, pallets, documents, certificates and goods economic data can be saved and others. Furthermore, 3s security solutions can be Combined systems for traceability (E.g. Datamatrix, RFID), so the whole production and supply chain is fully protected against plagiarism. Learn more about the right secure IP protection under