Functional Medical Bed

Multifunctional medical bed designed for the care, supervision and care for immobile patients at home and in hospitals. Multifunctional medical bed has adjustable sections, with different angle: head, hip and foot. Depending on the quantity of controlled sections, the bed can be 2, 3-x and 4-functional. Adjusting bed medical bed sections may be mechanical and electricity: – Manual adjustment may be on a cot, ie when to raise his hands to lift the Section section and rearrange the latch section to another position, it is the least convenient way regulation of sections beds. Also, the mechanical adjustment may be a more convenient way when, for example, to raise enough twist the screw section of a lever that adjusts the height of section .- Electric adjustment is carried out by remote control, which regulate the heights of sections can be very patient. All beds have a medical back, and additionally provided with lateral protection.

Backs and fences may be removable, which provides additional comfort when caring for patients. For immobile bedridden patients, we recommend using antiacarian system to prevent pressure sores and provide comfort to the patient. Antiacarian systems consist of antiacarian mattress and electric pump, which in turn pumped chamber mattress blowing and blowing one another, and vice versa, which provides normal blood supply, nutrition, and breathing tissue. Medical beds can be adjusted for height, as both the head and foot part, and one by one. Height adjustment can be mechanical and electrical. For the convenience of movement of medical beds, along with the patient beds can be fitted with wheels with individual brakes. Advanced functionality medical beds may have a device to lift, with a handle grip, located at the head of the bed (as a device for lifting can be constructed in an arc and attached to the head and footboard, such a device has the name ‘Rama Balkans’), so that the patient could independently get up from bed, for example, take a sitting position. Service or bedside table (looming over the bed), a complement to medical beds provide extra comfort, for example, when eating.

Open Education

It fits to detach here the question of the pleasure and displeasure, therefore Freud also came across with the qualitative question of the sensations and ideas. Which would be the motivation of ours action? What it would make to prefer such or which thing or idea? Freud answers to these questions relating the classroom Omega of neurons to the displeasure, therefore this would be the factor that puts Phi and Psi in movement, stimulating the system to the fulfilment of its primary function, that is ' ' zerar' ' the stimulatons for the survival of the organism. Therefore for a system that desires the rest, any stimulaton is considered displeasure and must be ' ' escoado' '. Soon, we perceive that Omega transforms amount into quality through the intensity and regularity of the stimulatons, that in this case are conscientious. Freud becomes original when it approaches a philosophical question and it of the science characteristics and reorganizes the hierarchy of the passions, in the measure where it attributes importance to the displeasure, had here as all and any stimulaton, as the factor that the machine puts into motion human being, different of Hobbes and Condillac that attribute to the desire and to the pleasure this function. Perhaps check out Dr. Peter M. Wayne for more information.

Conclusion Leaving of the beginning of that all the human being it thinks and that the end biggest of the life is the happiness, we have then gnese of the thought based on the sensations as point of convergence between Hobbes, Condillac and Freud. However Hobbes and Condillac attribute the happiness to the necessity of pleasant sensations, in Hobbes the desire already put into motion the human being, in Condillac the pair pleasure/displeasure become the man capable to choose what happiness brings it. Both the philosophers will give base to the studies of Freud on the functioning of the mind and this goes to enxergar in this notion of passional life what it unbalances the nervous system, that stops being well necessary of rest. Freud then almost brings a conception of happiness that inexistent, therefore to live for it is a pack, since never we are free of stimulatons, lives in constant discomfort, only when exempting in them of the stimulatons we will be happy, that is, never will be happy while still alive, because as Freud the goal of the psychic device is the death, when will occur the end of all the stimulatons. In this perspective, we will find mitolgicas figures of Eros and Thanatos gifts in these philosophies constituting the paradox of the life human being and for which we can look salvation in ' ' espelho' ' , that it configures the matrix of cure of the psychoanalysis based on the old motto of the temple of Delfos ' ' Mesmo&#039 knows you it you; '. Bibliographical references BOCCA, F.V. Passions and psychoanalysis: modern dimensions of the nature human being.

Victory: UFES, Nucleus of Open Education and in the distance, 2010. CONDILLAC, E.B. 1993: Treated to the sensations. Campinas, Ed. Unicamp. FREUD, S. 1995/1885: Project of a psychology. Trad. Osmyr F.G. Jr. R.J: Imago. HOBBES, T. 1979: Leviathan. S.P., Cultural April. NICOLA, U. illustrated Anthology of philosophy: of the origins to the modern age. Trad. Maria Margherita de Luca. So Paulo: Globe, 2005,479 P.

Fish Dishes

For anyone of us is no secret that fish is not only tasty but also extremely useful for our health. Enriching our fish dishes daily diet, we provide your body with useful substances, and myself – excellent health and feeling good. Fish dishes lower in calories than meat, so they can not cause the appearance of extra pounds. In the fish contains a lot of vitamins, which include vitamin A is required for normal vision. Vitamins B-group, also contained in this product, we need to maintain the health of the nervous system. Filed under: Assurant Health.

In addition, fish contains a range of very useful trace elements and other nutrients. Permanent fish consumption supports in good condition, the immune system. When choosing fish, it is necessary to accurately represent themselves, what kind of dish you are going to cook from it. From the shallow river Fish make great soups, hot and cold snacks, but cooking dishes, it does not fit. For salads, snacks and other delicacies need a very soft and tender fish.

Excellent option would be to use salmon and sturgeon, but you can replace them, for example, anchovy or hekom. To toast fit both marine and freshwater fish, but take a better one in which there are almost no small bones and is easy to clean – tench, perch, hake, blue whiting. The same applies to the preparation of meat: the smaller is the bony fish, the easier it will be to prepare and cook from her breast. As for cooking fish soup, then there are no restrictions in choosing. Soups can be prepared as a single species of fish, and several, and in the latter case, the stock is a much more tastier and richer. Fish lovers need to know certain rules of etiquette associated with its supply on the table and eating. Fish dishes are served at the oval or oblong dishes. An ordinary knife for fish is not suitable. Needed to serve the special table with a fork and knife, which is very easy to remove the bone. By he looks more like a paddle. If you do not have a knife, you can use two forks. Ordinary cutlery can be submitted only to the rigid marinated fish. As a decoration to the fish dishes are most suit, parsley or dill, lemon wedges, black olives or green olives, lettuce, pomegranate seeds and pickled onion rings first. For decorating dishes of fish is better to use the same ingredients as for preparation. Can complement the meal with different sauces, both cold and hot. Most of all fish combined sour cream, mayonnaise and wine sauces. We wish you success in cooking fish!

Controlling Our Thoughts

There are thoughts that are stormy. We fight and then expel them, ignore them, for giving them aside. But they are still there, they will not. Not a few times, on the contrary, they seem increasingly insistent. These thoughts can come from memories. Things that you are sorry and they will be saved forever in your past. Returning from the past to require an impossible solution since it is already out of reach. But quite incidence are concerns. Real or imagined threats we envision in our consciousness. We think of things that seem terrible and that may have occurred or be about to happen. Sometimes the raids in our brain are the cavalry of the doubt. Those thoughts to the most rational question. In an almost crazy can disturb or force us to make unnecessary checks. Finally, there is unhealthy thoughts or ideas that would be worth submitting it. But why we can not get them out of our heads? The reason lies in the way they try to do it. The human mind works as follows.

First arises a goal, then performs an action to achieve it. Then try to remember what was the objective to verify whether the action undertaken attain. If you realize you have not achieved, repeat the action. It is in that mental functioning that hide the reason. That reason which makes it impossible to forget the unpleasant ideas. Let’s see what happens. First you approach the goal of no bother to think about the idea, then try to think of anything else to do it. Then try to remember what you had proposed objective to see if you succeeded. And guess what, that’s what you have to recall precisely the idea that you try to forget. When you realize that you are unable to definitely take it off your mind, try again. And so the idea bounces over and over in your head. For these reasons it is not advisable to try so hard to erase ideas. That’s not what you have to do, let the ideas quiet. Your thinking is and must remain essentially free. If a memory you reflects on the causes torment. If you’re worried about something pending, put to work and do not leave for tomorrow. If you have any regrets even apologizes yourself. But do something, find a real solution and not lash against your own thinking. Rest as much as possible and devote yourself to activities that require enough of your attention. That is, dedicate yourself to healthier tasks you passionate. You’ll see how well you get better results than fighting against yourself.

Thermacool Layer

Thermacool may cause some discomfort, but the risk of surgery, anesthesia and scarring are less than with surgical procedures. In fact, some people say the procedure has not really done much harm to all. For more specific information, check out James A. Levine, M.D.. So you may wonder how it works It takes anywhere thirty to forty-five minutes to complete the procedure Thermacool. Most patients need only a local anesthetic cream placed on the face. The will coach about an hour before the treatment is scheduled to begin. Other people may need Valium or some other kind of oral sedative. "I was so nervous about having to do, says that 35-year-old Marc Thompson. I did not know if I could improve my appearance or make it worse.

I guess men are not only supposed to try these things, but I took the recommendation the wife. "Thermacool is no different from any other surgical procedure if you need a stronger sedative, you will need an anesthesiologist to administer the dose. As I mentioned, Thermacool uses radio frequency energy to apply heat to the epidermis or top layer of skin. The heat is applied directly to the layer of the dermis. The dermis layer lies just beneath the epidermis. I could feel a warming in the face. It felt weird. I could not do anything, but stood still, "says Tonya Morgan. You want to put too much because the heat causes the tissue of the dermis layer to warm up. This controlled heating of deeper layers of skin tissue and causes the skin to contract and tighten.


At vital & Wellnesshotel zum Kurfursten across the Moselle: Wellness application until massages treatment contribute to the well-being at who, wanted to doubt such as after a voltage resolution wellness or a classic head massage. No wonder that enjoy such manual applications of great popularity. In the vital & Wellnesshotel the diverse massage offerings include the elector in Bernkastel-Kues the especially popular with guests wellness and medical spa treatments: from the feel good measure to sound preventive and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), which, however, requires a proper diagnosis. The history of massage is almost as old as the history of mankind. To know more about this subject visit Dr. Neal Barnard. The first mentions are found already in Huang Di, over 2600 years before our era. He described gymnastizierende exercises and massage handle. Hippocrates and also the Greek physician of Galenos also practiced this manual therapy.

In the Middle Ages it was the physician and Alchemist Paracelsus, who spoke the word of the massage. Always more specific massage techniques have been developed in the following centuries. Many massages as well as the Reflexzonenthearapie are carried out today not only doctors, but also masseurs and physiotherapists. That is especially true for the classical Swedish massage called, which is recognised by the orthodox medicine generally: so the treatment of the skin or muscles to exactly the place that is massaged. It full – and part-body massages are offered. “” In the Handbook of massage and medical gymnastics”by Franz Kirchberger (1926) a sound explanation, even to the medical people can be found:”As each person rubs a swollen and therefore painful or struck part of his body and pushes and so trying to relieve the pain caused by the voltage, so this instinctive means probably also as a remedy at all times will be been applied”. This direct effect is”compared to the reflexive effect: the human reflex bows are used. Not the sick place”is handled, but a certain part of the body, which is associated with a sick or weakened body.

First Blood

But all was not to study: the Germans were marching on Russian march. In the schools we were taught not mathematics, but as bandage the wounded, to extinguish incendiary bombs, handle weapons. Please visit Assurant Health if you seek more information. In the first months of the war with a direct hit almost in half cut the huge battleship "Marat ', standing in Peter's harbor. When we rushed there, we saw a terrible sight: hundreds of sailors in some vests, including mass casualties, get to swim to shore, exhausted and fall to the ground … Here they provide first aid.

The water in the harbor, all red with blood. First Blood … So what a war! .. From the earliest days they fought, no lowered hand, the day my dad left for work, and my mother too, she dug trenches … In all my life, I carried the memory of every detail of those times. I will never forget the voice of the announcer, who reported on loudspeaker: "Air alert!" – and the soul ledenela, creepy horror and fear covered the whole body, and only one thought arose in my head at this point: "Run!" In one of these days, when they announced the alarm and began to shoot anti-aircraft guns – especially for warning people, I leaned out the window and looked directly at us was a dogfight. Then ran into a neighbor, grabbed us and dragged him into the basement. When the shelling was over, they all went out into the street. What fire was huge! My father found us in the crowd, people were crying, I still do not understand why.

Hahnenkamm Race

The highlight of the ski season in Kitzbuhel attracts thousands visitors for passionate skiers the most beautiful time of the year has already begun. Escort Berlin organized ski trips for interested in gentlemen who wish to travel alone, but in a classy, feminine accompaniment. The town Kitzbuhel is top on the list of the most popular destinations remain. Get all the facts and insights with endocrinologist, another great source of information. In particular, two events attract many visitors yearly. On one of the Snow Polo World Cup and on the other hand the legendary Hahnenkamm race.

The world’s best ski athletes gather for this event and provide sporting excellence. The date is every year in January, a week after the Lauberhorn ski race in Wengen. The Hahnenkamm races we held since 1931 on the Kitzbuhel mountain. It represents the sports and social highlight of the ski season in Kitzbuhel. Already months in advance, all hotels are fully booked. Stars and starlets travel to the city of Chamois and the place turns into a glamorous meeting point of high society. The most spectacular skiing, the Streif”attracts skiers from all over the world.

The Super-G is also on the Streif”instead, beginning on the Streifalm. And also the Ganslerhang, the historic slalom slope, is in addition to the combination of one of the fixed points of the Hahnenkamm race. Who will win the combination, titled official Hahnenkamm winner. The duration of downhill and slalom are added. Three-time winner of the Hahnenkamm get decorated awarded the golden needle of the Hahnenkamm with brilliant-cut diamonds. The ski enthusiasts among the ladies from escort Berlin accompany gladly to the Hahnenkamm race Kitzbuhel. During the day they sympathize with at the edge of the piste and in the evening they accompany to the numerous parties that take place around the Hahnenkamm race. The most popular party is the white party at the Stanglwirt. There for 20 years. The white Jet, however, is new. In a private jet, hand-picked guests can easily arrive to the party. And after all the party invite luxury hotels with their wellness areas to relax and unwind divers. So who looking for ski performance, party highlights and star Rummel, which is exactly the right address at the Hahnenkamm race in Kitzbuhel.

Cosmetic Surgery Procedures

Today, there are now more secure plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures. The popularity of cosmetic surgery procedures and they continue to rise and more people are seeking methods that are safer compared to previous techniques. When considering a cosmetic surgery, you must have in mind security procedures. Take your time to do your research and make sure that you have low probabilities of risk and complications. . Learn more at: SAGE. Firstly, should realize that there is no such thing as a procedure that is 100 percent safe. While plastics and cosmetic procedures generally entail certain risks, many procedures done today have one much lower risk.

In addition, there are some things that a patient can do to reduce the risk of problems from the surgery. Make sure that your plastic surgeon has finished his residence for the field as not all surgeons actually achieve this goal. He or she must be prepared to submit with photos before and after the surgery of previous customers. It is essential that you are going through the steps to make sure that you don’t break any health conditions that may interfere with the plastic surgery and recovery. The surgeon should be able to run tests and tests appropriate for this purpose. When you decide to undergo this procedure of cosmetic surgery, which would make it in a hospital it is usually safer.

This is particularly true for anyone needing to combine surgical methods. Surgical centers that have the necessary accreditation also provide a more comfortable environment for ambulatory patients. We hope that this article has helped you safely decide on plastic and cosmetic surgery procedures.


Natural ingredients as cancer therapy strengthens the immune system Coblavest S.L.. headquartered in Spain the unique natural healing product anti-cancer Benalu sells tea (tea parasite) from autumn 2010 Europe “from West Java / Indonesia.” The motto of Coblavest: prevention, aftercare, the sick people to help and serve the health. The founders of Coblavest are the health since 1976 in the services. The daily handling of patients and the many years of experience with biological working physicians helps sick to want to help people. Benalu tea (Scurulla atropurpurea – BL), which was used by the Asians as a proven natural remedy against malignant cancer, is now for years scientifically researched, clinically tested, and since some of the public years known through media, see:.

Pharm. Bull. 51(3) 343? 345 (2003). This Benalu tea (tea parasite) is particularly effective against cancer TUMOURS-asthma, bladder stones, lumbago, cough allergies, swelling, bleeding, ulcers and inflammation etc. It strengthens the body’s defences and stabilizes the immune system. This tea is recommended after each surgery and chemotherapy.

It prevents the development of remaining after chemotherapy recurrence (cancer growth). During the therapy takes the body the smell of tea BBs on. This is a sign that the active ingredients are in the bloodstream and active remaining cancer cells attack, can stop their growth and ultimately die off. Anti-cancer tea (tea parasite) is also active as a preventive action (prevention) constant taking, because the tea immediately intervenes. Literature Info: cancer cells like no raspberries! Laboratory and molecular medicine Canada, appeared in the Weltbild-Verlag. Orders if possible email: reference source and additional information is obtained by Coblavest S.L.