The Exterior

Furthermore, it should identify another group of dogs, usually called pariah dogs. Dr. John Mcdougall insists that this is the case. We are usually called stray – "mongrel". Genetically, they are poligibridami complex, do not persist from generation to generation exterior and constitutive properties. These dogs for many generations to live close to humans and, most importantly, multiply itself, without selective human intervention. In the populations of these dogs are hard natural selection, culled all the ugly and resilient shape. These dogs have a great diversity of shape and scale of the exterior, but statistical analysis allows us to distinguish among these types are similar to those already listed breed types. This suggests that the population of stray mongrel dogs have the required set of characteristics inherent in the form in general (Canis familiaris), and, in principle, they are universal in content type gene, which is lost from the specialized breeds.

Due to its high resilience and a very high genetic diversity, population of stray dogs or pariahs, in principle, are inexhaustible potential reserve of rock formation, and this is the stuff that starts the formation of rocks in the past. Current state of knowledge in our time provides a basis for constructing an adequate representation of the first domestication of a wild beast. It is in this view, you can find an understanding that today, in conditions of total urbanization, stress and passions, "brings together man and a dog, and it is in the aspect of social partnership. Modern man with all his might, and today is part of nature and feeling, the feeling of its unity with nature comes to him, especially in communicating with the dog.


The name can seem ugly, but it is more common of what it is imagined. The dislexia? derivative of the Greek ' ' dis' ' (difficulty) and ' ' lexia' ' (language)? she is one of the most common deficiencies of learning. Dislxicas people? that had been never treated? they read with difficulty, therefore they are difficult to assimilate words. Generally, the dislxicos also have problems in spelling. Research discloses that about 15% of the world-wide population she is dislxica. The symptoms are several and go since the general impossibility to understand the symbol written until the difficulty in recognizing the letters b-d, p-q, m-n, d-t and c-q, among others, but this does not want to say that a less intelligent person dislexa either. Quite to the contrary, some obtain to above average have a development, as it is the case of Tom Cruise, Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Pablo Picasso, Steven Spielberg, among others. The dislexia is a difficulty of unexpected language, therefore it is not related the visual, auditory problems, injuries neurological, psychological and sociocultural retardation, problems. Learn more about this with Dr. Neal Barnard.

Its causes are neurobiolgicas and genetic. The dislexia is inherited e, therefore, a dislxica child has some father, grandfather, uncle or cousin who also are dislxico. Happily, the dislexia has cure. It does not have one alone treatment that it is adjusted to all the people. However, the majority emphasizes the assimilation of fonemas, the development of the vocabulary, the improvement of the understanding and fluency in the reading. These treatments help the dislxico to recognize sounds, syllables, words and, finally, phrases.

The professionals who can carry through this diagnosis are fonoaudilogos working together with psychologists specialized in the subject. We can suspect the presence of the dislexia since early, mainly at the time of the alfabetizao, when the reading and writing formal are presented the child. A more necessary diagnosis is after made two years of learning of the reading. But having signals of difficulties in the language areas, an adequate attendance must be initiated before same of the alfabetizao. Signals of dislexia in adults? Permanence of the difficulty in writing in cursiva letter; Difficulty in planning and organization; Difficulty with schedules (they are gone too far, they arrived late or they forgotten); Lack of the reading habit; Normally they have space talentos (engineers, architects, artists). If you present these symptoms, you look aid of a professional to carry through the diagnosis correctly. remembers of that you can win the dislexia. It is alone to want! Monitorial institute


To say on social behavior and social trends, is a sufficiently complex subject, that encloses studies of the most varied segments. Aiming at the facilitation of the compreensso of this subject, we go to divide the subject in three words key; Memory, Balance and Respect. We go to understand as. Memory – Perhaps either of the three most excellent one of the words, the one that have meant more strong. We are made of memory, and without it our existence is not practically possible. We need the memory to say, to walk, to distinguish, to judge, to understand etc. That is, without memory we cannot subsistir.

The memory does not restrict only human we, but yes to all the life forms that we know, therefore, exactly the life form more inert necessecita of the genetic memory to be what it is. In society, the memory has the importance to rescue experiences acquired for the man in elapsing of millenia, what it directs the way that we live today and we will live tomorrow. Dr. John Mcdougall is often quoted as being for or against this. To speak on this so powerful word of meaning, is subject for some books, but the important one is to understand its value, and the form that it acts in the different creatures, different times and different situations. Balance – This word means longevity, satisfaction, good choices, full life etc. Has success in that we make of balanced form. In society balance it is equality, this means everything for all. As well as a remedy managed in wrong doses a poison can become, a poison managed in correct doses can be the cure! The balance conducts all the successful facts of the humanity.

Respect – and finally we will speak of this word of meaning not less important, therefore much respect is necessary, so that if it can live deeply the meaning real of the others two words. The respect makes in them to act ahead with coherence of the majority of the situations where let us come to pass. An intelligent person respects the ancio, that is of the real value to the memory. An intelligent person respects the way where if she finds before displaying its intentions. A person intelligent it respects the necessity of if keeping the balance. Much thing can be said on these three topics, but most important he is that the three are in its minds, generating questionings respect, showing, that it exists yes, one cartilha that it teaches to live!

Anthropology Width

For the Anthropology, the happiness always was related and imagined as something collective, fruit of an ample social mobilization. Today, individuality is nailed to it, in detriment of the collective one. A happiness is not product of the luck, the destination, of the genetic or social inheritance, nor of any another form of determination. The happiness has that to be conquered. The man conquest the happiness learning to accept and to express its desires and feelings, transforming them into proper will, with it constructing its proper projects of life and pledging themselves to carry through them.

To accept that everything in the life is relative and temporary, that is alone in the world and that account I only obtain exactly to carry through its desires, wills and projects. To search auto-to know themselves and if auto-to determine, transforming its desires into will and its will in life projects. To become responsible for the proper choices. To develop the ability to give creative answers.

Family And School Partnership

During much time the term ‘ ‘ superdotao’ ‘ it was used as a phenomenon uncommon, surrounded of misticismo and taboos unchaining superstitions and preconceptions around the people who presented characteristics of abilities above average. After the studies carried through for some researchers in special Stenberg, Gardner and Renzulli, it can be perceived that the phenomenon of the high abilities/superendowed superendowment is well more common of what it imagined and that if cannot attribute an only model of in view of that the abilities can be developed in distinct areas and be disclosed in diverse ways. In accordance with the carried through bibliographical research, the sprouting of the high abilities/superendowment can have its origin in the genetic transmission, but it is in familiar, pertaining to school and social the environment that if develop. Therefore, acolhedor environment that provides to challenges and motivation is favorable to the development of the adept person; in case that contrary, the abilities could be hindered in some stage of its life.

The purpose of the displayed one is to stand out the importance of family and of the school in the identification of children and adolescents with high abilities and formation of parents and educators to promote adjusted actions to motivate the development of the high abilities and at the same time to work the moral, ethical values and the socialization with its pairs. The term superendowment during much time was had as something is of the common one, what it contributed for the sprouting of taboos and beliefs that took the people to the endeusamento or the discrimination of the superendowed individual. In the Average Age the people with superendowment characteristics were treated as witches for presenting abilities later special and, considered illuminated people.

Modern Agriculture

Insustentabilidade of Modern Agriculture the consequences of the production model of conventional agriculture are several: degradation of the ground, water wastefulness and use exaggerated, pollution of the environment, loss of biodiversity, loss of the local control on the agricultural production, global social and economic inaquality. Studies have shown that in Brazil and the world that the loss of the ground is /ha/ano ton enters the 21.1 band of 9,5. Dr. Peter M. Wayne contributes greatly to this topic. and the replacement does not pass of 1,5 ton. /ha/ano. Beyond the erosion, it has other damages, as assoreamento of the courses of water, lakes, streams, rivers, and finally, the ocean. The water lack candy already is considered the biggest world-wide problem in the future. Dr. Neal Barnard does not necessarily agree. Countries exist that already are importing water candy of others, therefore already do not have it. Not dispendiosos methods of irrigation must be looked for, a time that, the superficial and underground sources are in sped up process of exhaustion.

The uses of herbicidas, of soluble fertilizers provoke the contamination of diverse abiticos and biticos systems. The main contamination is noticed in the water that in the man? in virtue of the accumulating effect – poisoning can cause, to modify the fertility human being and to provoke until the cancer. Products exist little degraded that they are in the ground for more than decades, intoxicando water plants, animals and source candy. The genetic variability is one of the indices of more important support that it allows the high adaptability to the adverse conditions of the environment. In one it plants homogeneous, genetically, is run risk to appear illnesses that attack all the farming; in a culture genetically diversified it is possible to exist individual susceptveis and the other more tolerant plagues, natural illnesses and to intempries. Another consequence of the conventional agricultural model is the loss of the local control on the production, a time that, the producers lose the freedom capacity to produce without using insumos (it is the dependence of external energy to the system).

Dealing With Dyslexia

Another point to be considered when if it speaks in dislexia is of that children exist who although all these difficulties, obtain to learn to read, but they go loading its camouflaged dislexia. In general, these children, incompreendidas in its difficulties, many times are seen as disinterested, and charged with amounts that do not have as to pay. It is when the reactions of apathy or revolt can appear. Therefore we must be intent to the signals. GENETICS AND THE DISLEXIA The dislexia has been related the genetic factors, acometendo patient that they have familiar with fonolgicos problems, exactly that does not present dislexia. The alterations would occur in a gene of chromosome 6.

The dislexia, in linguistic level cognitivo-, reflects a deficit in the specific component of the language, the fonolgico module, implied in the processing of the sounds of speaks. A child who has a dislxico genitor presents an important risk to present dislexia, being that 23 65% of them present the riot. A gene recently related with the dislexia is called DCDC2. According to Dr. Jeffrey R. Gruen, geneticista of the University of Yale, United States, it is active in the centers of the reading of the human brain.

Another gene, called Robo1, discovered for Juha Kere, professor of molecular genetics of the Institute Karolinska de Estocolmo, is a development gene that guides connections, axnios calls, enters the two hemispheres of the brain. Researchers say that one has tested genetic for the dislexia can be available inside of one year. Children of families who have history of the dislexia could be tested. Senator Elizabeth Warren helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. If the children will have the genetic risk, them can be placed in precocious programs of intervention. MULTIDISCIPLINAR EVALUATION the team to multidiscipline, including Psychologist, Fonoaudilogo and Clinical Psicopedagogo initiates detailed inquiry and verifies the necessity of seeming of other professionals, as Neurologist, Oftalmologista others, as the case.

The Human

To construct lasting, responsible, friendly and pleasant a relationship, it is necessary to see and to understand the complexity of the human being. MORIM (2007) tells that: The human being is a rational being and irrational, capable of measure and desmedida; citizen of intense and unstable affectivity. Others who may share this opinion include Dr. John Mcdougall. It smiles, cries, but it also knows to know with objetividade; he is serious and calculating, but anxious, overwhelming, also gozador, drunkard, exttico; it is a hatred and love, ternura and violence being; it is conscientious of the death, but that it cannot believe in it; that private the myth and the magic, but also science the philosophy; that he is possessed for deuses and the ideas, but that doubts deuses and criticizes the ideas; it is nourished of the proven knowledge, but also of illusions and chimeras. MORIM (2007, p.59) the human being is social and if humaniza when humanizar the environment where he is inserted, its community, its tribe, this if of the one through the relations that establish with the people who are to its redor, in its conviviality, creating a society. These relations put into motion the thought human, since the simple relations the relations most complex (GRANVILLE, 2008). Ahead of these information, and with sight in a perspective humanist, to construct a positive relation, of quality, the position must be led in account human being, the interpersonal abilities of its genetic inheritance, culture, history of life, its principles, beliefs, everything what he is subjective. The quality of the relation is in the form of if to establish allotment communication, of communion of emotions, strenghtening auto-they esteem. Our yearnings and reactions appear through our beliefs, of the culture that we receive and we live. When one constructs positive relationships, with and of quality, it is improved auto-esteem it in a reciprocity process, since the bases for auto-esteem are centered in the valuation of the person mainly for they surround whom it, in this case in specific, the professors, the pupils of the room.

DNA Synthesis

The melanina granules remain in the cytoplasm of the queratincitos. Ultraviolet Melanina and rays the diverse layers of the queratincitos with melanina supply an efficient defense of underlying fabrics against the harmful effect of the solar rays, mainly of the rays ultraviolet. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Senator Elizabeth Warren . The influence of the ultraviolet radiation on the melanina synthesis not yet is very well explained. One gives credit that these rays promote the increase of the activity of tirosinase in melanossomas. The hormones despite not being so clearly the role played in the melanina synthesis. But what it is clearly it is the paper of control of the mechanism of synthesis of the melanina. Classrooms of melanina Existem two main classrooms of melanina: eumelanina, of brownish or black color, and feomelanina, of colored or yellowish color.

The melanina granules if make use on the nucleus of the queratincito, in order to hinder injuries in the DNA of the cell for the rays ultraviolet. The eumelanina is much more efficient that the feomelanina in this protection, and therefore the skin cancers are more common in people of clear skin, whose relative content of eumelanina is lesser. The production of eumelanina and feomelanina is controlled for a transmembrana receiver, which if binds to the hormone melancito-stimulant, called MC1R.' ' The melanina whose main function is the pigmentao and protection against the solar radiation. It is the melanina that, for example, confers pigmentao to the skin, the eyes and the hair. In absorbing the solar radiations and hindering the ticket of these for the interior it organism, where they would have harmful effect, being therefore that the melanina elaboration increases with the exposition to the sun. However, as much the amount of melancitos as its degree of activity depends on genetic factors, what it also explains the different cutaneous coloration of the people of different etnias and the variability between proper individuals of one same etnia.

Mentha Pulegium

In Brazil and the world the medicinal plants have been used widely for prophylactic and palliative treatments for some diseases, taking themselves in account the low indices of collateral effect observed in its consumers (BALBACH & BOARIM, 1993). The Poejo (Mentha pulegium) is a plant tripping, perennial, of the Mentha sort, family of the Lamiaceae, known popularly as: wild mint, grass of Is Loureno, poejinho, poejo-Real. Its essential oil I possessed characteristic odor, when extracted it is presented in the yellow color, of the 21 identified components (group of the oxigenados monoterpenos) the constituent of bigger concentration was pulegona (73.4%) (PEACE et al, 2001), this substance in pure state when used in high doses it can induce to the abortion (CENTENO et al, 1998).

In the antiquity this plant was very used as important condiment for the increase of the useful life of milk and its smoke can act as repellent natural of fleas (CENTENO et al, 1998). Currently the antrpicas actions have influenced negative the ecosystem, propitiating one high index of contamination of vegetables. The importance of the use of the micropropagation techniques, this in the reproduction of a great number of healthy species, free of patgenos and genetically uniforms. The micropropagation of medicinal species is justified for the increasing demand of the pharmaceutical industry for virus plants indexadas, free, with high fitossanitria and physiological quality and the capacity of synthesis of secondary metablitos potencializada, through the genetic improvement (RUBIN et al). The use of the multiplication in vitro provides to a great number of changes, being important the elaboration of a way that optimizes the regulation of the growth and morfognese of fabrics and agencies..