Diabetes Type
The carriers of Diabetes Type 2 present two physiological deficiencies: abnormal secretion of insulina and resistance to the action of the hormone in fabrics white (BRAZIL, 2006; KATZER, 2007). The Mellitus Diabetes are a pathology characterized for the insufficient production of insulina for the organism, being able to take the patient to the death. The insulina is a produced polipeptdico hormone in the Pncreas, which is attributed regulatory properties of the energy metabolism, mainly the what concerns the glucose (OLIVEIRA; KABUKI, 2004). According to Irigoyen et al. (2003) studies come demonstrating that resistance to the insulina is the main factor in patognese of the Diabetes Mellitus of type 2 and is a cofator in the development of the Arterial Hipertenso Sistmica, dislipidemia and aterosclerose. In accordance with Guimares and Takayanagui (2002), from a study on prevalence of the Diabetes Mellitus, carried through in nine Brazilian capitals, of 1986 the 1988, were detected that about 7,6% of the adult population they are carrying of diabetes and about 50% of this same population they are unaware of to be carrying.
The Health department strengthens these calculations affirming that 50% of the population with diabetes do not know that they are carrying of the illness (BRAZIL, 2006). The population with diabetes that it does not know that they are carrying, remains not diagnosised until they appear signals of complications. Therefore, tracking tests are suggested for assintomticos individuals that present greater risk to the illness. Bigger age that 45 years, overweight, familiar antecedent, arterial hipertenso, cholesterol triglicerdeos are indicating of bigger risk for the appearance of diabetes (BRAZIL, 2006). The Diabetes Mellitus is one of the main chronic illnesses that affect the man contemporary, acomete individuals in all the countries in any phase of social economic development.