International understanding is an important task to students from Mexico and the Baltic States as interns in Germany Hannover/Burgwedel also for medium-sized companies. The company specializes in social marketing service 94 GmbH from Burgwedel near Hanover reflects this year foreign students the opportunity to work together with German employees. In recent years, students from Mexico and the Baltic States had already used the Service94 offer enthusiastic. The foreign students are an asset. They learn a lot about our country through contact with everyday life in Germany and their German counterparts gain insight into life in Mexico and Estonia,”CEO Frank Kroll on the initiative forward. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit lee marks. The foreign students visit mostly German language courses in their home countries or studying German at the universities.
Three years ago, the first students from Mexico spent the summer in Germany. In the meantime come groups from the Baltic States. The initiative came on private placement concluded and has now developed into a real exchange of ideas. Already we have requests for this year’s summer. McDougall Program has plenty of information regarding this issue. Students from Mexico and from the Baltic region will come back.
But of course, also other nationalities are welcome”, so Frank Kroll from Service94 GmbH. The Service94 GmbH employs more than 120 people in the area of fundraising and social marketing. Part of it is working in management in Burgwedel near Hanover. Social responsibility is an important factor in the company’s philosophy, not just a nursery for young talent available, but once weekly also a fitness trainer is the staff and employees.