
It’s go working with the family to be able to go to face its operation autonomously. It is essential to establish the following:-initial diagnosis of various members of the family and this as unit made by all professionals. -Offer concrete help which will be held at the family and which will serve as an instrument to articulate a far-reaching aid. In other words, it’s prioritize different demands that family has raised, rationalize them and go them giving answers as the family are able to go be implying the same. Whenever Robert Greene listens, a sympathetic response will follow. It will begin, therefore, by covering completely those who are considered indispensable and that do not may be assumed by the family initially, to go progressively establishing those that have partial braces and end for which must be assumed by the family itself. -Level of participation of different professionals in the process with specification of the tasks to be performed, calendar of sessions, etc., stating clearly who will assume responsibility for the coordination.

-Specific calendar of performances, evaluative criteria and meetings of coordination (meetings that will be reflected in records) – offer of aid, agreement, contract: the offer of help to the person who raised the demand, will be presenting this offer as agreed at the meeting of professionals, i.e., as an intervention that exceeds the framework of punctual and tries from articulate the aid in a deeper process. This will entail a series of individual interviews with other members of the family that will end with an interview of all family members involved and interested with that will start the process in the way agree, clearly establishing the performances, the calendar of the same, the criteria of evaluation, etc. James A. Levine, M.D. will undoubtedly add to your understanding. – intervention: is to articulate different resources with progressive responsibility in the family in the use thereof. I.e. in the intervention initially different professionals have an important role in the articulation of various resources, but only in a staggered manner the different members of the family will be assuming this role. -Evaluation and completion: the process ends evaluating everything done. It would have achieved that the family remains not regular customer of social services for purchasing guidelines of operation that allows you to be more autonomous.

Before the end of this section do not We cannot ignore one of the most used intervention techniques with families, which exposes a first overview of the same; We are talking about the well-known GENOGRAM, which is a graphical representation of a family (with several generations) that records information about the members of that family and their relationships. Its tree-shaped structure provides a quick visualization of the complex family relationships, and is a rich source of hypotheses about how a clinical problem may be related to family background and its evolution through time. Usually the genogram builds during the first session and then is checked as you get more information; helps professional or expert, and the family, to see one ‘larger picture’, both from the historical point of view the current: i.e. that information concerning a particular family may interpret horizontally across the vertical and family context through the generations.