In the works of Russian educators hardening was seen as a necessary means of raising a healthy child, encouraged to visit with him a little longer on the air. Novikov in his "Conversation on Health "emphasized that heat, cold, wind, forming a person's character. P. Engalychev in the paper "On the extension of human life, or vehicle, as you can achieve health, fun and a good old age" (1804) pointed to the crucial tempering role for children. Thoughts on the benefits of hardening are contained in the local medical SG Zabelin, M. J. Mudrova, FI Inozemtsev Pirogov, A.
Filomafitskiy. For the first time scientific development issues * Hardening was initiated in our country and linked with the names of Russian scientists Botkin, VV Pashutin, VA Ma-nasseina, Tarkhanov. Great contribution to the study of this issue was made by Soviet scientists VV Gorinevsky, GN Speransky and others. In Russia particularly important to teach to the cold, since almost two-thirds of its territory located in the harsh climatic conditions. Great strides in science and technology can create the illusion of independence man on the climate. But it is not.
Modern man is still a part of nature, and this has to be considered. The most effective, if not the only means of increasing the body's resistance to external factors, especially to cold, is hardening. Harden your body at any age. Start fighting for your health is never too late. But the most effective is this procedure, practiced since childhood. In order to effectively use in tempering health purposes, you need to know the physiology of the body.