
I am of all sincere when I declare my common agreement well to it 2 with each word yours my respect. Yes, I am only one common man 3. In the chest, 25 years of homesickness; in the memory, an idea that conserves me living creature. An uncommon fear of the one for coming that still now awakes me that usual desire not to exist 4. In this you have much reason: However, all we have homesicknesses; a life plan; a fear that in properly says to them human the least in this seems me the men to be distinguished from the rocks. At last, I am always in agreement your thought, at any moment unequivocal on my hypothetical figure 5. However, what to make when of the agreement fact does not result? Perhaps for the moment, let us leave to that one that speaks to you.

Let us think the person yours. Mother of two; she inherited of the life the orphanage of which the world never knew to exempt us also I will not be exempt of the evil that the life prepared for itself 6. She pardons that me for this unjustified shunting line saw ece of fish in tomb the art that still serves it of model and support, a someone to who calls Russian Renato. I ask to it therefore: Perhaps she is your person it dispatches by post in a world or it has a world rank in your person? 7 not very Seems to have me difference enters a case and another one, except that hypothetical one, which we use to grant the miracle to us of a space and a time; we give history to our ghost; usually we say: ‘ ‘ here I am eu’ ‘ 8. It cheers to you of not being philosopher. in a similar way that in itself such joy is made use, smiles the death of yours: good homesickness this when it seems us enough real. To speak of the father, to remember the mother.

In the agony of the lack, to use of the children for the urgent consolation of the soul. It does not have doubt, as that if it also makes for itself is died. To die? To my spirit the satisfaction to exist is a luxury that never me is delivers. If the woman died who served to it of mother, will die my conjectura; Was stolen it saudosa presence of the father? The assumption of mine if was. But if it waits you the fear of the life, it hugs your children your secret of peace.


It knew, its life was becoming a life of fights and victories, lived one day of each time, delighting themselves with each unknown fact and conquered by itself, until one day it are presenteado with a new love, hearts are difficult to understand, but she is necessary to the times to run risks, always loses something, when fear is had to lose, but you must give much attention in the details, in the signals, you must always be of open eyes. big is rewarded, the Creator if it sensetized with its homesickness, its pain, and it gave a wife to it, who did not compare itself in nothing with its old one loved. Virtuous woman, will find who it? Somebody that always had a soul is more inclined to the opened suffering, it is more easily led by the circumstances, the river that has in itself yearns for discovery. Loved its does not have the same luck, as it passes many years without a soul, becomes dries, led for the rapidses of its decisions, finished leaving itself to imprison, is not never innocent, voluntarily it knew the malice, the badness, the anger, the cowardice and finally it was turned toward inside of itself, its life was without life, the emptiness never it are filled. Then in the desperation for loving, it loved, one, two, others and was unhappy, he had not been that one that its heart chooses. It was delivered in the arms of the stubbornness, needed to become free itself of the disillusion, the failures, would not give up to search. He looked for its old one loved, waited, but it did not appear, for everything has a reply, any question that can be conceived has for obligation a reply.

For to another it looked it time, of this time it appeared, but folloied for the brother, is necessary to be intent to the signals, as a weak person who was, gave up, only questions here or acol, to know as he was loved its, was necessary to continue the life without life. It forgot in the truth left that others thought that it forgets, could not make nothing, nothing would add to it if they knew of what goes to the soul, days after days, sun is born, sun if puts, the life goes taking its course natural. But badness always arises in the soul of that they had lived for as much time without soul, care with these people, is part of the group already before mentioned. Certain day, in some place, as much makes, Maria of Nazar and so Maria how much Maria of the Conceio, who if it matters? Discovers it. It is homesickness? Love? Envy? Anger? It would not know to need, I am mere accountant of estrias.

It was not satisfied itself in descobriz it, also wanted to be discovered, the peace of a family never must be stained, has rules and has consequences for they break that them. The desire is a curse. The things do not move, change we, already it said somebody callous thing, it arrives to be incredible everything already mentioned, but the pure truth is between the words, does not have exaggerates, therefore this degnerates the feelings, desvirtua the facts and disfigures the truth.

Greenhouse Years

This vision earth dweller, is the one that allows to arm the story us from of Yuli that leaves the frosts zones of Sibornal; he arrives at the profused ones where the humans hide to flee from the cold and where the priests of Akha render cultured to a stone statue, becomes priest; he flees and one is based in Oldorando and its environs where later his descendant Laintal Ay will be the one that will take the narrative thread in a warm Heliconia where it resurges the intentions of geographic expansion, knowledge, and desire of redescubrir the past. The rajabarales that throw heat in their glasses, are species of gigantic sequoias that lodge the life of the glass finishes at the times of cold, soon transformed into mielas, multicoloured similar beings a the sea urchins that will allow, by its skins, certain coquetera in the women, an abundant hunting for the men, and desires of conquest to a Aoz governing Room of Oldorando. This only tree gives the key us of the importance that Aldiss gives to Biology and the botany, with reading Greenhouse would know than I speak. A world different with longer years from the measurement from the nearest sun: Batalix who will be the one that prevails then to phagors when this it dominates Heliconia is frozen and they are preparations for that. Freyr is a more distant sun but greater and warm, the humans are denominated by phagors like the children of Freyr when the planet approaches in its elipsis, lifts the temperature and everything begins to bloom, is the cosmogonic moment of history. Both suns interpose producing eclipses that soon took thousands of years in happening. The same happens between phagors and humans, two suns have allowed two coexistent forms of life in continuous battle. The year of Freyr lasts approximately thousand eight hundred years there he defines that each station lasts three hundred years and the previous culture is only visible in some buildings that survived the freezing the climate changes go on a par of the society, in this case the man is dominated by the climatic forces and are protected and struck by her.

Use Language

This language excuses the function of the sign. The trajectory of the disentailed thought of the language and trajectory of the language independem of the thought. In the filogentico development, these two trajectories if join and the thought if it becomes verbal and the rational language. We need this trajectory due to necessity of the individual during the human work. In the work we need instruments for the transformation of the nature and the planning, class action and the social communication. To act each better time, we must create a system of communication that in allow information exchange them specify and meanings shared for the individuals in the collective project. He is what mother-son happens with the children with some cognitivo deficit with the relation.

However with the sprouting of the verbal thought and language as systems of signs it is an important fact for the human, biological development that he changeds yourself into the partner-description. In the evolution of the individual, observing since its birth, we have a similar process that described one for the history of the species. Before the thought and the language if to join, if to associate, a phase exists in the daily pay-verbal child in the development of the thought and daily pay-intellectual in the development of the language. Before the language the child it has capacity to decide problems practical and to use mediators to reach, to obtain what it desires. For example, it goes up in the chair to catch definitive toy, or uses different forms to reach what it really longs for. Fellow creature to the Chimpanzee, the daily pay-verbal child, uses daily pay-verbal intelligence, uses intelligence practises without the use of the language. In this phase, while it does not dominate the language, it if it uses of other methods to communicate itself, either I cry for it, for the laugh, that serve for the social contact with diffuse communication with other people.

Land Human

This can seem a paradox, after all the proper etimologia of the word history comes of a root Greek who means ' ' SABER' ' , and even so our imagination does not know borders, cannot know what the future in the reserve. But if we will have in mind that the objectives of science are to expand the borders of the knowledge, then historical science can contribute very to reach this objective. So that it serves history? After all in sciences we want to understand the reason of the things: Reason the sky is blue in the Land and yellow in Mars? Reason the water wets? What it takes in them to make these questions and to study this or that subject? It is through history that we can explain as the societies that had lived in the past had committed errors that today does not commit more due the information left for these ancestral ones that its good and bad experiences had registered. Thus science is a continued effort that always requires new heads and new ideas that help in them to enxergar new directions. Our decisions while men and scientists can influence all a society and nor always in positive way.

The great moments of the history of the humanity want in the areas of Social Sciences, want in the Physics, the Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, etc, are registered in documents that portray the action of the man in the time. Science historical this is everything because it in any area of the action registers the happened human fact is human being. To conclude, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso, ahead of all the quarrels stopped for many theoreticians in the diverse areas of the Philosophy and sciences human beings, conclude that ' ' history is a science in construction, therefore it does not search absolute and perpetual truths, that the conquest of its scientific method not yet is complete and that the historians still are discovering the adequate ways of analysis to its objeto' '.


Today there are many types and brands of designer watches for men and women on the market. In fact, they are completely different in shapes and sizes. Brands that are now widely available: Tissot, Casio, dkny, Seiko, Aviation, Breil, Caterpillar, Disney, Guess, Hamilton, Kahuna, Lorus many others. Ten of the best design hours: Corum, Blancpain, Zenith, Breitling, Hublot, Breguet, Patek Philippe, Tiffany & Co and Jacquet Droz. This result is according to studies and surveys that have been made by the reviews on the Internet. There are brands that are well known as designer watches ladies and one of the brands Ebel, but it's not just for women but for certain types of men's watches. Ebel has high quality and unique glamorous style and if you want to buy a designer watch or a gift for you or for your friend, you should consider buying Ebel, because it is a good option and an excellent gift for someone special.

The difference between designer watches and other ordinary hours that they are made of highest quality material and that they are decorated with either diamonds or other precious stones. They may also contain gold, silver, platinum or other precious metals. It is also important to note that they are more than the usual hours. Gifts can be presented in various occasions such as Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, housewarming, graduation, Valentine's Day, and many other celebrations. In fact, gifts are one of the best ways show your love and care for the people you love such as friends, parents, brothers, sisters, husbands or wives. In some cases, such as Valentine's Day and wedding anniversaries, flowers of course a good idea, but there other gifts that can be donated. Gifts that can be donated in the cases as mentioned above, as wallets and purses, bracelets, cosmetics, silver rings, Christmas ornaments, scarves, picture frames, wine, watches, rings, and others. You can also buy a gift certificate or put money in a card. When buying designer hours, or other gifts you have to choose what you like the person to whom it meant that the gift would be well liked.

The True Face Of Poverty In Russia

I recall that on Oct. 17 in the world celebrates the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Therefore, I want to dedicate some posts to this infamous phenomenon of any society in our country. Official statistics show steady increase in average wages, income levels, in general, everything is normal in the country, so it is now, nobody believes it. Take the statistics from various independent sources and interviews and see how we are poor and why. The official minimum subsistence level in Russia's regions can be found in materials published by Russian newspaper. As we see in Russia on average is 4,780 rubles.

So, the number of Russians with incomes below this amount per person – 43.100000 people. Altogether, according to latest figures, live in Russia 132000000 people. Of course you understand that these 43 million of our citizens simply are not in poverty, and on the brink of survival. Another category of citizens with incomes up to 10 thousand rubles. on person is the majority of Russians, as beggars, and neither of which can not afford, but have yet revenues cover the costs of housing and a slice of bread.

So in fact, without the beauty of official statistics, Russia has 70-75 percent population of beggars. But in Russia there are 1,5% of the population, owning more than 50% of national wealth. According to the cma , Russia has annual revenue of over $ 1 million from 160.000 people. Only in Swiss banks is about $ 25 billion Russian origin.

Landscape Design

The art of gardening and the art of landscape design is very specific, it involved the builders, designers, artists, landscape designer for the subject of creativity is a collection of construction materials, plants, water and space. Plant for decoration all areas and types of landscape design is usually limited to the selection of ornamental plants in form and color, to the construction spatial perspective, the creation of light and shadow, taking into account individual peculiarities of the seasons and hours of the day, as well as the participation of key motifs and architectural forms in space, volume and colorful design garden spaces. Anyone with a piece of land and wants to make it truly beautiful, cozy and unique may apply to the master and pick up a landscape design and develop it to your liking. Although the creation of garden design on its own brings great pleasure, it is better to entrust the design of a professional landscape design in this skillful craftsmen. Water – a vital and aesthetic necessary, to overstate this claim is impossible: building a pond or fountain, we unexpectedly find exactly what was lacking in the hot urban everyday life, the fountains in the landscape design will be a perfect decorate our surroundings their lulling murmur, will soothe our psyche after heavy everyday life. Do not forget also about the foreign and exotic cultures: is now extremely popular and extremely attractive, such as ponds in the Japanese style, variegated Japanese landscape design in general is now much in vogue.

Playful waterfalls in landscape design can be many different shapes and sizes, but usually combined with water reservoirs, hanging over them and threw them into the water. Waterfalls – very bright element of the composition and can be equipped with a special place for viewing in the track could fit resting place in the form of an alpine lodge, the Japanese pavilion verandas or in the Chinese style. Nearby you can organize pool, in a landscape design great thing, which combines several features: both decorative and wellness. The main inspiration for untold Landscaping is nature itself, walking through its picturesque places you need to pay attention to natural beauty, nature – the main and most skilful designer on earth. The result of the luxurious landscape design will please the eye only when proper and correct approach to all stages of works – ranging from landscape design to final 'touches' and the choice of lighting and accessories, and then of course do not forget about proper care of landscaping and maintaining his beautiful lawns, flower beds, flower beds – an integral part of gardening, it is from lush landscaping landscape design depends more on the percentage of its total beauty and spectacular view. Can fulfill the dream of paradise, creating comfort and harmony in his suburban area, arranging a great holiday landscape design. Creating a paradise can be realized arranging at its site flower beds, garden paths, flower beds, lawns and alpine gardens, building playgrounds and pergolas, planting trees and shrubs, landscaping pergolas will create a cozy relaxation corner. No need to save on your comfort and health, you need to enjoy life to the fullest, in harmony with nature, listen to your body and correctly calculate their strength and, of course, a good rest – all This is possible only when we are satisfied with their surroundings, today there is landscaping in order to achieve this.

Beautiful Hair

Hair – a special decoration by women. They fascinate, delight, give cause for envy. Short and long, lush and smooth, straight and curls – admire, men! Hair must be a reason for pride of any modern women, successful business ladies or housewives. Look worthy of your hair will help the regime of the day, balanced nutrition, vitamins, daily exercise, healthy lifestyle and, of course, beauty care products. Now the market offers a huge range of cosmetics. The choice is yours. And now increasingly available to anyone buying goods from an online store cosmetics. There you will find everything: the very make-up, composition, method of application, result of the use and recommendations stylists.

Full range of shampoos for all hair types, stained, colored, curly, straight, long, thin, dry and greasy. A variety of masks, balms, oils, concentrates, serum, washable and indelible care products for hair, help you solve problems with the scalp, hair loss, styling, color retention after application, to impart elasticity after a perm. Quality hair cosmetics are highly concentrated natural detergents and foaming agents do not violate the hydro-lipid mantle of the hair and skin and soft effects. In addition, they contain extracts of medicinal herbs contain complex vitamins, have natural uv protection. Quality hair products give them a natural shine and volume, reduce scalp irritation, facilitate combing wet hair and styling. Shampoos for oily hair have astringent effects of dandruff – antibacterial and antifungal. For dry, stained or damaged – increased nutrient. In addition, for such hair shows how to apply nourishing masks, restorative serums, oils and complexes, which increase blood circulation in the vessels of the scalp, speeding up metabolism.

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Finance Leader – Advertising, should not distinguished from the news of a periodico’-Noel Popes issued its Code of Conduct which prohibits smoking and blaspheming -Hold! – Telecinco 50,000 pay ‘for the interview Roldan, 7 times Unless by Julian Munoz, president of Uruguay will veto the law on abortion, already approved two suspected ETA members arrested in southern France-Pope, are you angry conmigo’ acid-attack with fifteen girls in Kandahar ( Afghanistan) by going to the institute They prefer women with a pretty face rather than a Forbes sculptural body-Campana Do not you see

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