Better Concentration Thanks To

Bardusch gives more power in Office and operating Ettlingen. Water is an elixir of life. Who drink too little risk concentration deficiencies. Also the physical performance will be reduced. Because if people drink too little water, the blood pressure drops during them. The blood is thicker and less oxygen. Physicians and ER nutrition scientists therefore recommend: day two to three litres of water to drink.

But many do not even approximately. Employers who want to avoid a degradation of their employees too little purgation water, are right at Bardusch. The traditional company for textile rental services from Ettlingen proves to be innovative and knowledgeable partner also with its drinking water. Whether industrial, Office, commercial transactions or other facilities: rented or bought drinking water dispensers and drinking water systems of Bardusch a healthy, low-cost soft offer for customers and employees. The water dispenser is available in various models. With a diameter of they’ll fit anywhere only about 33 centimeters and a height of approximately 140 centimeters. In 18.9 litre bottles the refreshment vending machines are equipped of Bardusch purified water with high-quality silent, pure spring water, or osmosis.

This light and tasty osmosis purified water is virtually free of ingredients such as lime, nitrates and heavy metals. As a result, the water is also ideal for the preparation of coffee or tea. Generally the water is always set to a proper temperature between five and ten degrees. In an agreed rotation the Bardusch Service staff deliver the water in the environmentally friendly reusable bottles and take back the empty bottles. This is part of the special service cycle of Ettlingen company has ensured the perfect hygiene of the Watercooler. Four times in the year cleans and disinfects the water dispenser on the spot a professional and exchanges the water set. This is then in the cleaning Center of Bardusch thoroughly and ecologically cleaned, disinfected and vacuum-packed.