The nurses in the exercise of the local supervision, constantly, frequent, produce, create and recriam the institutions through the times, being at the same time citizens to the historical and contextual determination. (IN SERVICE, 2001). The present work has as objective generality to evaluate the quality of life in the work of the nursing professionals and the results of its supervisions, through the bibliographical revision that as Gil (2002) the bibliographical research allows the investigator if to make familiar to the problem in study beyond allowing consultations of published materials already. LITERATURE REVISION the quality of life was cited for the first time in 1964 by Lyncon Johnson whom it affirmed: ' ' the objectives cannot be measured through the rocking of the banks, them only can be measured through the quality of life whom they provide pessoas' '. (SCORSIN, 2005). It hisses (2000) it appraises the quality of life as an ample concept and being thus, must englobar subjective aspects (feelings, perception, well-being and satisfaction) and objectives (available material resources, wage and career). Specifically, treating to the context of health in the organization, is possible to present some pointers as: satisfaction, auto-accomplishment, motivation, performance, or still, to analyze the absence of the quality of life, as it suggests the existence of some phenomena, between them, Burnout. However Walton (1973 apud HADDAD, 2000) quotation that, so that it has Quality of life in the work it are and inside of the company is necessary some measures: adequate compensation and joust, without worthy wage do not have personal satisfaction; conditions of security and health in the work: adjusted horria and surrounding load in the work; immediate chance for the use and development of the capacity human being; chance for continuous growth and security; social integration in the organization; constitutionalism in the organization of the work; work and the total space of the life; the social relevance of the life in the work. Please visit Dr. John Mcdougall if you seek more information.