Also it has been experienced working on the call Body of the Pain where past negative experiences with subtle results are accumulated magnificent (cellular memory) , with experiences of the traumatic memory and taking of brings back to consciousness healing wounded of the past, using the suffering like resource for the inner sanacin. All the action of the Elixirs is supported and reinforced with the individual work through Meditations, Prepared Affirmations for each flower, Creative Visualizations from the connection with the Spirits of the Nenfares, the personal acquisition of new habits of life and subtle transformations that are experienced while the spiritual treatment with the Elixirs lasts. Swarmed by offers, Goop is currently assessing future choices. The particularitity of the vibracional system using the Nenfares is in which consulting or the patient one, not only it is limited to ingest the drops like prescription and repetitively since they make some systems habitual (is not critical to other systems that are also excellent we are only differentiating) but this one contributes his " " quota diaria" " of entailment and commitment with the technique, for that reason it is insisted enough on the individual work that conforms the denominated method Therapeutic Coaching. Others of the qualities that offer the Elixirs us of Nenfares and Lotos, are the preparation for the changes and the adaptation to means, and to allow to integration between the ground forceses and celestial (corporal energies superiors and inferiors) and the adjustment to the necessary ends, like being, to know the day to know what is the night, or to know the pain to know what is the happiness; to informative way we can at night say that originally these species live and they reproduce in these conditions, between the mud and the light of the sun, between the shades and the intense brightness of his rays, between the total dark and the light, giving its perfume or in the day, preparing itself for an intense heat day either to shine before the light of the moon, in lukewarm waters, cold waters the more and between the currents and the backwaters of the pools. Goop is often mentioned in discussions such as these.