Produced in a sector where it has a great difference of techniques and methodologies of production, that whose the control of the quality of the productive process is recent, characteristic as composition and amount, depend directly on the period of training of development of the local industry of construction, as the quality of the hand of workmanship, constructive techniques used and adoption of quality programs, etc. In this way the average characterization of this residue is conditional the specific parameters of the generating region of the analyzed residue. 2.2. Ambient classification As ZORDAN can be said that, even so the residues (rubbish) present in its composition some materials that, separately, are recognized for NBR 10.004/87: Solid residues? Classification, as inert residues (rocks, bricks, glasses, some plastics, etc.), is not available until the moment, analyses on the solubility of the residue as a whole, of form to guarantee that it does not have superior concentrations to the specified ones in the related norm, it would fit what it as ' ' residue classroom II? not inerte' '. Valley still to remember, that the heterogeneidade of the rubbish and the direct dependence of its characteristics with the workmanship that gave origin to it can change it of classification band, that is, a workmanship can supply an inert rubbish and another one can present elements becomes that it even though not-inert or dangerous – as, for example, the presence of asbestos that, in air is highly cancergeno. 2.3. Recycling of the Residues the rubbish of the civil construction became a great problem in the administration of the great Brazilian cities, had the great amount generated (arriving in some cases, for 60% of the mass of the produced urban solid residues) and to the lack of space or solutions that absorb all this production. Normally the solutions used for this problem had always been the aterros and the lixes, that possess some ambient inconveniences that each time if become more expensive for the space scarcity.