Alcohol damages the genetic apparatus of the cell, so the children of parents who drink at risk of developing alcoholism than children of healthy parents. So, it is likely that alcoholism can be in this family disease that is transmitted from one generation to another. Who does not want to have a healthy baby? But for some reason, this desire often goes against the way of life for future moms and dads, an indispensable attribute of the rest of which is alcohol. In addition to all the negative effects that alcohol has on the human body, it has a direct damaging effect on the genetic apparatus of cells at the molecular, gene and chromosomal levels, affects the structure and function of chromosomes. This fact is confirmed by numerous studies that found an increased risk of alcoholism among children born to drinking mother or father. If we average the figures, obtained by different authors, then 25% of children from their parents, alcoholics, develops a serious illness. Counter this predisposition can only be accepting a lifetime decision to stay sober.
Completely give up alcohol can not all people, especially when you consider the fact that a child of the alcoholic family, growing up in an atmosphere of drunkenness and sees this lifestyle as normal. Lacking knowledge about the possible predisposition to alcoholism, as well as not having the strength to resist the alcohol environment, most of the children after their parents give up their life alcohol, thus continuing the vicious circle of family alcoholism, which now expects the new and the new generation. Break this vicious circle can be treated for alcoholism. It is important to take care of their genetic background, do not allow alcoholic poison mutilate their genetics, dooming not only their children but also their offspring to suffer from alcohol dependence.