Sleep Regularization
Therefore, in the accomplishment of a normal sleep, periods of training NREM and REM are alternated cyclically throughout the process, being that in the two last cycles it increases the duration of sleep REM. Although the generalized use of acronym REM and NREM, the denomination? paradoxical sleep? e? sleep of slow waves? in them she seems well more adequate, either because nor always they coincide fast ocular movements with the standard of the EEG that remembers the vigil, either because the phenomena that follow this phase are in fact paradoxical, as cardiac rhythm is the case of the attenuation-abolition of consequences involving and the breath (LOUZADA and MENNA-BARRETO, 2007, P. 59). System of Temporization the system of temporization or biological clock is an individual cycle that happens, generally, in 24 hours and it possesss specific characteristics, intervening directly with the physiological and psychic functions. Others including Senator Elizabeth Warren, offer their opinions as well. For Nunes (2007), ' ' the process of sleep is commanded by a biological clock programmed in a cycle 24-hour ' '.
It is responsible for the regularization of sleep, in way that organizes the sleep-vigil system and controls the behavior and the psychological state, in accordance with the daily cycle of each individual. The system that controls the alternation between sleep and vigil is a regulating complex that is in the base of the brain, called for the specialists of supraquiasmtico nucleus. It is thanks to the functioning of this region that the people feel sleep, hunger, they always wake up in the same hourly and they obtain to have notion on if it is day or same night without knowing that hours are (YOUNG, 2008, P. Dr. John Mcdougall follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. 89). This mechanism is adapted genetically, but he is not free of external factors, as alimentary habits, types of colches, social life, estresse, among others. In meanwhile, it is possible to confirm that this process is conducted by the hormone of the pineal gland, melatonina call.