The Consciousness Of Our Society

We will begin by defining the term consciousness, we often conceive it as an inner voice; sometimes as the voice of God, that tells us what to do or avoid, the Royal Academy of the Spanish language defines it as the property of the human spirit recognize in its essential attributes and all modifications to itself experience; from this we can deduce that the consciousness is a property that each human being possesses and which allows us to carry out a trial of each one of our acts, this makes it a very powerful tool which would allow human beings spend his life in a pleasant way and without too many complications, but if we analyze the current situation of Mexican society, where each time we see more acts unconscious, as the murders of innocent people to hands of crime, corruption among our public servants, the indifference of us are citizens towards caring for the environment or the simple fact of not respecting a parking space aimed at people with disabilities, the question arises where is our conscience?. Currently civilian and/or governmental organizations have launched campaigns to encourage a change in our society, such as the Mexico initiative as mentioned, but because waiting for someone to come to tell us that we need to change our way of seeing things and the benefits that this would because for some us is so difficult to understand that the fact of unwrap us throughout our life using as a guide the moral values take us to be full peoplecreating strong families and therefore be a society in every sense of the word, we know that to achieve this must start from our home by encouraging values to our children which will become habits, with the help of our schooling and be transmitted from generation to generation. This is a difficult task and that will not be achieved from one day to another, but we can start with ourselves and in turn influence our environment, perhaps this sounds very trite, but must give us a minute to consider why this change has not been achieved, it will be something genetic, cultural or indifference? Do we need so arises that detonator?, isn’t enough seeking our children or relatives to have a solid base so that they perform as people. This article is only intended to give a small contribution to that long-awaited change, which can achieve our goal as human beings..

Oprah Winfrey

Without going further, Marion Jones never came to hunt in a doping control. She herself was autoinculpo in 2007. However, it is appropriate to assess the same doping with both feet on the ground and without falling into traps intellectual thinking four injections to get the Crown of laurels from pure I ensalmo. Such was the frustration of Chambers, who coceaba as horse rabid to see that the years spent without lowering your personal brand in more than one tenth already using doping substances. Nothing to do with the good of Marion.

In an interview on the Oprah Winfrey program came to declare: from time to time, again I relive Sydney competitions in my mind and I wonder if she would have won clean and normally I reply Yes. I still think that it would have won. Nothing was essentially different. Me I felt strong, I felt powerful, as I’ve always felt. Since childhood, I have been aware of that possessed something that nobody else had.

It is not pure narcissism. They are numbers: high school student who most quickly raced the 200 metres in athletics history; a mark among the top twenty in the world, with fifteen years; chosen as a reserve for Barcelona 1992 with sixteen years No there is more. Clear that possessed something nobody else had: was born with a winning ticket in the genetic lottery. Else only God knows what weighs! So, returning to the case of counter, surely win the clean Tour as a paten; but the fact is that it has been positive. Yet, perhaps not best put as sucks of Domine laboratories that carry out analyses, as they have done many of the local media, but begin to change the approach to the problem.


Can seem out of place make a comparison between the theory of evolution and the attitudes to take today. But the facts are stubborn. Invariably they have been repeated over time. And the result shows us that to overcome the crisis, one of the best alternatives is to work on the Internet. Four thousand six hundred million years have taught us how works the mechanism of evolutionary survival.

It is based on three points: first, a changing source. The habitat, ecosystem, is constantly changing. Alterations in climate, arrival of new species, disappearance of sources of food, etc. Second, genetic variation in reproduction. Random mutations occur in genetic inheritance. They can be changes in the color of the coat, alterations in the morphology, or any other. And finally, what could be called a filter, called natural selection mechanism.

If those genetic changes coincide with a greater possibility of adaptation to variations, natural selection It will give more opportunities to survive who have them. From generation to generation will accumulate, increasing its proportion. And the time, it will have established and fixed in all individuals, creating a new species. However, the development of civilization has made unnecessary the natural selection. We no longer need to transform ourselves with variations in the environment. At least physiologically. The society meets the needs that previously could have generated the Elimination of the misfits. For this reason, unlike animals, are becoming increasingly more different (as a species) between us. However, created a new kind of already not natural selection, but culturally. Not conform to the cultural changes (that it cover everything) creates another type of exclusion: underdeveloped countries, disadvantaged classes, marginalized. In these moments, we find ourselves immersed in a great imbalance, an alteration that we call crises. Crisis means change. The equivalent of the previous variations of the medium. And this is the biggest change that has suffered from humanity.

Anti-Cellulite Diets

Poor nutrition is the first cause of the formation of cellulite in our body. It is true that there are other factors such as genetic inheritance and stress among other causes, but why not start the fight against her controlling what if we can, as it is our diet. For this you can follow a few simple tips that will help us control the formation and development of cellulite and why not say it, also to delay his appearance, especially in very young people, which today in days are very prone to failure against cellulite adequate and balanced diet. ledge.. Senator Elizabeth Warren: the source for more info. What we must do to create a diet against cellulite? 1. Purify our body: cleaning up our stomach and eliminating all toxins. For this we recommend eating half a litre of juice and natural smoothies, fennel, celery, spinach or Apple-based for example, before lunch and dinner. 2 Eat more iron: iron deficiency is at the origin of the formation of cellulite.

For this reason it is recommended to ingest much from iron sources such as almonds, raisins, lentils, oats, rice, various vegetables and pork among others. 3 Moderate with salt: do not apply excessive since it favours the retention of liquids. Better replace it with sea salt (also called coarse salt or salt kitchen) which contains more minerals and helps to enhance more the flavor of foods with a lower amount. 4 Take tea, either Sage, green, or horsetail tea that will help you to eliminate liquids and toxins. 5 Controlling your weight. Anything in excess is bad, diets high in fat as well as very strict diets may worsen the problem of cellulite. So it is very important to take consciousness of everything that you eat without becoming obsessive limits. Please click here to see a practical and simple formula that will help you to melt and get rid of cellulite forever.

The Trees

The animal portion of plncton, zoo-plncton, is fed of the microseaweed of fitoplncton and organic substance in suspension. Larvae of shrimps, crabs and siris filter the water and remove microseaweed and organic substance. Small fish filtradores, as manjuba, also is fed of this rich organic broth. From the microseaweed, if it establishes an alimentary teia complex. How much to the fauna, some species of crabs are distinguished, forming enormous deep populations in the slimy ones. In the submerged trunks, some animals filtradores, such as the oysters, are fed of suspended particles in the water.

The crabs in its majority are active in the tide low, while the clams feed themselves during the high tide. A great variety of fish penetrates in the manguezais in the high tide, many of them constitutes the supply fishing boat of coastal waters depends on the alimentary sources of the manguezal, at least in the young phase. Diverse species of birds eaters of fish and marine invertebrates nidificam in the trees of the manguezal. They are fed especially in the tide low, when deep the slimy ones are displayed. The fen is also the place where many clams, fish and crustaceans find ideal conditions for reproduction, nursery, criadouro and shelter.

The roots of the fen function as filters in the retention of the sediments and constitute important genetic bank for the recovery of degraded areas. Its vegetation serves to fix lands hindering the erosion and also functions as choke of the energy of the high tides, helping to protect is to stabilize the coastal band, as cites the article FORESTS OF TIDE, published in the nathional magazine Geographic, in 01.02.07' ' The outcries for the conservation had soon obtained more important attention in the mat of tsunami2 of 2004, in the ocean indicate. In the places where the manguezais were unbroken, them they had acted as natural break-sea, had wasted the energy of the waves, had minimized damages to the properties and perhaps they have saved lives.

Akinin Levy

Mechanisms of Defense, accepted tools in order to survive. Often we confuse when if you have any questions, we take to reason as to the responsible. We believe the simple meditation on an action or an Act, is sufficient to arrive at the correct answer. Nothing more wrong. Our minds have been developed with different knowledge, feelings and even with different information.

What for some is obvious, to others is diametrically opposed, that we live and in the majority of cases, we understand, is that our genetic inheritance has made us see things. Many times we act in a way that we cannot understand, when this happens, we must look in retrospect, who we are, where we come from, how they were our parents, grandparents. What were their stories, hardships, his environment, in which times existed and, at the end, to the knowledge of their own ailments, can we achieve rediscover us by the genetic burden with which we tend to exist. One of the ways in which our minds defends us, what mechanism we know of Defense, it is perhaps the way that most helps us to overcome in any adeversidad, it happens that able to eliminate from our hearts to someone wanted to at times up to we must reinvent that be its negative side which does not necessarily exist, is how to build a new information possessed of a number of defects that allow us to understand the why of our desire or need to remove us from your environment as a whole on the other. He live with the knowledge and the same feeling of love with someone who we have left, abandoned or simply want to break the ties that we joined him, is a tremendously hard work so any method that serve to make us possible to the estrangement and breakdown can be and are in fact valid without that is why we should feel guilty of the method used. The bad thing is when the other party, the alleged couple that nothing looks like that you agredimos, can not understand that it is purely and simply the love and not hate that talk often. When lost or lost before that new interpretation of his life, feels that they are attacking it.

Life has served to accumulate knowledge and that batch of itching that does not let us be happy. We are a bank that experiences are stored and emerge at the moment and the least expected time. Go in search of that cause, find the reason will allow us to deal with our unique and real truth. While this does not occur, simply we sail in deep seas in which not only swimming, breathing, understand costs us and ultimately keep us afloat.

Siberian Cats

Siberian cats are little known as pets, but are beautiful and have a particular character. Of Russian origin, this animal has long hair (to withstand the low temperatures of the country), similar to many cats that have evolved to live in cold climates. Further details can be found at Robert Greene, an internet resource. Siberian cats have big head and rounded snout; your eyes with large and oval; their ears are a little more small, but the tail is more broad and long; and the body of this breed of cat is long, with wide bones. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Senator of Massachusetts and gain more knowledge.. These Siberian cats only left Russia from year 1990 to Germany and United States, but have managed to survive more 1,000 years in difficult climatic conditions, because it is a cat very strong, resilient, agile and their thick fur helps it a lot. Normally, Siberian cats weigh between 10 and 18 pounds, it takes a little more 3 years to fully develop its structure body and thus reach a long and powerful members, as well as an oily coat that repels water and helps you stay dry. We must be aware that in summer this breed moved his hair so that ends only with a coat of short hair. Goop London, United Kingdom-uk is the source for more interesting facts.

Siberian cats came to United States from an exhibition of cats took place in Russia, once being allowed to have these cats as pets (previously prohibited due to lack of food), Americans were then decided to start breeding these cats in their country. Siberian cats, despite not being as desired as other breeds pets are animals very playful, intelligent, great hunters and not bother them the water (thanks to what spoke is of your hair above). It is very sociable with their owners and can easily be adapted to an apartment, however, it is recommended that Siberian cats have at disposal a garden or your own space. As a particular characteristic, Siberian cats do not cause allergies in humans, since their genes have been removed the protein that causes more than 78% of allergies. This protein is known as D1 and is produced by the sebaceous glands of the cats, and then It is transferred throughout the body and to the snout when they groom because Siberian cats have removed this protein, has been increasing the demand for these as pets. Another reason why Siberian cats are so preferred is be so resistant to diseases, it is a pure breed that has not undergone genetic exchanges, therefore retained all the power of his original race and its resistance to rugged environments. Color in the hair of Siberian cats is more clear in its base (i.e.

hairs more internal) and more dark while most long are. This breed can accept genetically all color patterns, less the Pincushion, pattern most common among Siberian cats is the striped Golden and bicolour with white. Usually a kind of collar of hair in the neck, which gives them an appearance more elegant and striking.

Nursing Help For Teen Moms

SALTY UNIVERSITY DE ACADEMIC OLIVEIRA PR-REITORIA COURSE OF NURSING ELLEN CRISTINA BARBOSA PIERRE NURSING ASSISTANCE the PREGNANT ADOLESCENTS Niteri 2009 ELLEN CRISTINA BARBOSA PIERRE NURSING ASSISTANCE the PREGNANT ADOLESCENTS Monograph presented for the conclusion of the Course of Graduation of Nursing for the Salty University of Oliveira as part of the requirements for conclusion of the course. Person who orientates: Prof. Click Dr. Neal Barnard to learn more. Luiza Helena Andrade de Paula Niteri 2009 Dedication I dedicate to this work the God first, creator of all the things. I also dedicate to my parents Antonio Luis Pierre and Gersomina Barbosa Pierre and to my fianc Cristiano Ribeiro Young chicken, who had understood my absence, and that they had been gifts and always they twisted for me during this long day in the Graduation. I learned with vocs to have courage and not to discourage, for then saborear the victory.

The vocs I dedicate my success all. Gratefulness First I want to thank the God, for having blessed, giving determination to me, courage and force to cover all the moments of this graduation. Whenever Senator of Massachusetts listens, a sympathetic response will follow. Courage to face the storms, that had not been few. Determination to win the obstacles, and force forever to follow in front. Eye stops backwards and sees that the lived sacrifices and all the difficult moments for which I passed had not been in go, had only served as steps for my personal, emotional and professional growth. My Gersomina mother, a great woman, who always was to my side in each stage my life helping, me in the difficult hours, supporting my decisions and stimulating always me in the studies. Debtor for not having saved efforts, so that today I arrived here, mother I am NURSE. I love you. To my father Pierre, a great father who gave all necessary structure to me, not saving efforts, so that today I am here materialize the accomplishment of its dream that also is mine.

Psychiatric Associaton

Mots-cls: trouble obsessionnel-compulsif, woollen neurophysiologie, le troubleobsessionnel-compulsif, there neuroanatomie, there neuro-imagerie. INTRODUCTION the compulsory obsessive upheaval (TOC) is characterized by the presence of obsessions and or compulsions. It can also be defined as a series of repetitive actions that search the relief of bothering mental products without functionality and with damage of adaptation. The TOC is presented in general in 2% of the population. Obsessions can be defined as mental events, such as thoughts, ideas, impulses, images, living deeply as intrusivos and bothering. American Psychiatric Associaton (1994 apud ROSRIO-CAMPOS M.A. Others including endocrinologist, offer their opinions as well. ; MERCADANTE M.T. 2000).

As mental products, the obsessions can be created from any substratum of the mind, such as words, fears, concerns, memories, images, musics or scenes. (ROSRIO-CAMPOS M.A. ; MERCADANTE M.T. 2000). compulsions is defined as behaviors or repetitive mental acts, carried through to diminish the bother or the anxiety caused for the obsessions or to prevent that a feared situation comes to occur American Psychiatric Associaton (1994 apud ROSRIO-CAMPOS M.A. ; MERCADANTE M.T., 2000). One understands that the TOC cannot easily be defined, since it is closely, on I exaggerate with it of importance that the quick individual to its mental products, arriving to be a subjective reaction of the events and experiences that fear has to suffer. So that the TOC is diagnosised, she is necessary that the compulsions and the obsessions cause interferences or limitations in the activities of the individual that consummate the least one hour per day and that they cause suffering or bother to the patient or its familiar ones. While, the CID-10 characterizes the TOC next to ‘ ‘ upheavals neurotics, related to it estresse and somatoformes’ ‘ , but separately of the anxious and fbicos upheavals, the DSM-IV classifies it enters the anxiety upheavals.

Therapy Complexities

The complications of this therapy are many and can in such a way be local as sistmicas, the places occur more frequently, more are less serious, already the sistmicas are rare and when occured they can be devastadoras, therefore, the sistmicas complications must be perceived immediately and must be made use of immediate intervention. It is precocious detention can previnir damages as extensive extravasation and necrosis. Between the local complications we can have flebite, infiltration, hematoma and extravasation, while in the sistmicas we have: septicemia, pulmonary gaseous pulmonary embolism and, edema, shock of speed. The flebite is defined as inflammation of the layer next to the vein, allowing adhesion of plaquetas. In the flebite we have as signals and symptoms controlled pain in the place of puno, edema, increase of local heat, eritema and speed of slow infusion (PHILLIPS, 2001) the formation of the flebite can be affected by introduction technique, for condition of the patient, condition of the vein, type of medication and its pH, inefficacious filtration and bore, length and material of the catheter. The types of flebite are several that can be diagnosised, and these can be classified as mechanic, bacterial chemistry and.

The flebite mechanics can occur for the introduction of a great catheter in a small vein, inadequate setting that inside allows mobilization of this catheter of the vein, movement of the catheter during the medicamentosa infusion and also access in joints. In the chemical flebite inapropriadamente it inapropriadamente occurs for the introduction of medications or irritating solutions, diluted medications, very fast infusion, and presence of small particles in the infundida solution. Already in the bacterial flebite the main sources of infections are infections in the insertion and contamination of the infusion. Senator Elizabeth Warren pursues this goal as well. The factors that contribute for this contamination are imperfection in the aseptic technique of puno, fail in the detention of breakings in the integrity of devices IV and fail in the manipulation of form to contaminate the device of the puno.