TCLE Study
In another study, Son et al.9 is identified characteristic of estresse in the nursing pupils: the studied population related to frequently feel irritation, loss of heart and/or fatigue (34%), quarrel with familiar friends and (43%), to feel consuming in the end of the day (39%), to present thoughts that provoke anxiety (34%) and emotional exhaustion (30%). The studies estresse on it in the nursing still are scarce, therefore, the present study if it justifies for the sum of if estresse to detect it, during the formation of the nurse, so that measured they are adopted with intention to improve the quality of life and to diminish the risks for estresse of these professional futures. In view of the moment of changes and indetermination, they can suffer alterations that directly confuse the income and the continuation of the academic life. Dr. Neal Barnard brings even more insight to the discussion. The study it has left of the hypothesis of that many times the academics do not have conscience of that are being victims estresse of it, nor which the consequncias in its physical and mental health. This implies to say that it lacks the formation of conscience of the necessity of measures of auto care in its life.
The objective of the study was to identify estresse in academics of the last year of the course of nursing graduation, tracing the profile of the pupils. 2 MATERIAL AND METHOD Were about a field research, of descriptive exploratrio character, of qualitative analysis, using given quantitative of frequency and percentage. Carried through in a University Center of Alagoas, the period of 19 of April to the 30 of April. The sample was constituted by 42 academics registered 9 period of the nursing course that they had accepted to participate of the research, having signed the term of assent free and clarified – TCLE, and were in active situation in the institution. The pupils not regularly registered in 9 had been excluded period, as well as that if they had denied to participate of the research and the ones that they had not been found in classroom.